STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE 0, 0 { 63248, "Flow Control" 63249, "LineMode" 63250, "X Display Location" 63251, "Environment" 63252, "Authentication" 63253, "Telnet code 38" 63254, "New Environment" 63255, "Telnet code 40" 63256, "Telnet code 41" 63257, "Character Set" 63264, "Extended ASCII" 63265, "Logout" 63266, "Byte Macro" 63267, "Data Entry Terminal" 63268, "SUPDUP" 63269, "SUPDUP Output" 63270, "Send Location" 63271, "Terminal Type" 63272, "End of Record" 63273, "TACACS User ID" 63274, "Output Marking" 63275, "Terminal Loc Num" 63276, "Telnet3270 Regime" 63277, "X.3 PAD" 63278, "Neg Window Size" 63279, "Terminal Speed" 63280, "Echo" 63281, "Reconnection" 63282, "Supress Go Ahead" 63283, "Approx Msg Size" 63284, "Status" 63285, "Timing Mark" 63286, "Remote Trans & Echo" 63287, "Output Line Width" 63288, "Output Page Size" 63289, "Output C/R Disp" 63290, "Output Horz Tabs" 63291, "Output Horz Tab Disp" 63292, "Output FF Disp" 63293, "Output Vert Tabs" 63294, "Output Vert Tab Disp" 63295, "Output Linefeed Disp" 63296, "Status Queued" 63297, "Data Queued" 63298, "Data Written" 63299, "ZSInit" 63300, "CheckSInit" 63301, "Time Type SubType Data OtherData" 63302, "-------- -------- ------------ -------- ---------" 63303, "DCTS " 63304, "DDSR " 63305, "TERI " 63306, "DDCD " 63307, "CTS " 63308, "DSR " 63309, "RI " 63310, "DCD " 63311, "Binary" 63312, "taDone" 63313, "raInitial" 63314, "raCollBlock" 63315, "raProcBlock" 63316, "raFinished" 63317, "raDone" 63318, "Enable" 63319, "Disable" 63320, "StringPacket" 63321, "SizePacket" 63322, "PcktTimeout" 63323, "StartStr" 63324, "EndStr" 63325, "Idle" 63326, "Waiting" 63327, "Collecting" 63328, "rkCollInit" 63329, "rkGetFile" 63330, "rkCollFile" 63331, "rkGetData" 63332, "rkCollData" 63333, "rkComplete" 63334, "rkWaitCancel" 63335, "rkError" 63336, "rkDone" 63337, "taInitial" 63338, "taGetBlock" 63339, "taWaitFrSpc" 63340, "taSendBlock" 63341, "taSendDelay" 63342, "taFinDrain" 63343, "taFinished" 63344, "tkCheckTable" 63345, "tkSendData" 63346, "tkBlockReply" 63347, "tkCollBlock" 63348, "tkSendEof" 63349, "tkEofReply" 63350, "tkCollectEof" 63351, "tkSendBreak" 63352, "tkBreakReply" 63353, "tkCollBreak" 63354, "tkComplete" 63355, "tkWaitCancel" 63356, "tkError" 63357, "tkDone" 63358, "rkInit" 63359, "rkGetInit" 63360, "rzGotData" 63361, "rzWaitEof" 63362, "rzEndOfFile" 63363, "rzSendFinish" 63364, "rzCollFin" 63365, "rzError" 63366, "rzWaitCancel" 63367, "rzCleanup" 63368, "rzDone" 63369, "tkInit" 63370, "tkInitReply" 63371, "tkCollInit" 63372, "tkOpenFile" 63373, "tkSendFile" 63374, "tkFileReply" 63375, "tkCollFile" 63376, "tzSendFinish" 63377, "tzChkFinish" 63378, "tzError" 63379, "tzCleanup" 63380, "tzDone" 63381, "rzRqstFile" 63382, "rzDelay" 63383, "rzWaitFile" 63384, "rzCollFile" 63385, "rzSendInit" 63386, "rzSndBlkPrp" 63387, "rzSendBlock" 63388, "rzSync" 63389, "rzStartFile" 63390, "rzStartData" 63391, "rzCollData" 63392, "ryPrepXmdm" 63393, "ryRcvXmodem" 63394, "ryFinished" 63395, "ryDone" 63396, "tzInitial" 63397, "tzHandshake" 63398, "tzGetFile" 63399, "tzSendFile" 63400, "tzCheckFile" 63401, "tzStartData" 63402, "tzEscapeData" 63403, "tzSendData" 63404, "tzWaitAck" 63405, "tzSendEof" 63406, "tzDrainEof" 63407, "tzCheckEof" 63408, "tyGetFlName" 63409, "tySndFlName" 63410, "tyDraining" 63411, "tyRplyPndng" 63412, "tyPrpXmdm" 63413, "tySndXmdm" 63414, "tyFinishd" 63415, "tyFinDrain" 63416, "tyDone" 63417, "ryInitial" 63418, "ryDelay" 63419, "ryWtFrHSRply" 63420, "ryWtFBlkStrt" 63421, "ryCollBlck" 63422, "ryProcBlck" 63423, "ryOpenFile" 63424, "txEndDrain" 63425, "txFirstEOT" 63426, "txRestEOT" 63427, "txEotReply" 63428, "txFinished" 63429, "txDone" 63430, "rxInitial" 63431, "rxWtFrHSRply" 63432, "rxWtFrBlStrt" 63433, "rxCollBlock" 63434, "rxProcBlck" 63435, "rxFinSkip" 63436, "rxFinished" 63437, "rxDone" 63438, "tyInitial" 63439, "tyHandshake" 63440, "rf1WritePage" 63441, "rf1SendMCF" 63442, "rf1WaitDCN" 63443, "rf1WtHngp" 63444, "rf2GtPgRslt" 63445, "rf2GetFHNG" 63446, "rfComplete" 63447, "rfAbort" 63448, "rfDone" 63449, "txInitial" 63450, "txHandshake" 63451, "txGetBlock" 63452, "txWtFreeSpc" 63453, "txSendBlock" 63454, "txDraining" 63455, "txRplyPnding" 63456, "rf1CollRtry1" 63457, "rf1CollRtry2" 63458, "rf1StrtTrn" 63459, "rf1CollTrn" 63460, "rf1Timeout" 63461, "rf1Retrain" 63462, "rf1FinTrn" 63463, "rf1SendCFR" 63464, "rf1WtPgCnnct" 63465, "rf2ValCnnct" 63466, "rf2GtSndID" 63467, "rf2GtCnnct" 63468, "rfStartPage" 63469, "rfGtPgDta" 63470, "rf1FinPage" 63471, "rf1WaitEOP" 63472, "tfCompleteOK" 63473, "tfAbort" 63474, "tfDone" 63475, "rfNone" 63476, "rfInit" 63477, "rf1Init1" 63478, "rf2Init1" 63479, "rf2Init1A" 63480, "rf2Init1B" 63481, "rf2Init2" 63482, "rf2Init3" 63483, "rfWaiting" 63484, "rfAnswer" 63485, "rf1SendCSI" 63486, "rf1SendDIS" 63487, "rf1CollFrms" 63488, "tf1PrepEOP" 63489, "tf1SendEOP" 63490, "tf1WaitMPS" 63491, "tf1WaitEOP" 63492, "tf1WaitMCF" 63493, "tf1SendDCN" 63494, "tf1Hangup" 63495, "tf1WaitHngp" 63496, "tf2SendEOP" 63497, "tf2WaitFPTS" 63498, "tf2WaitFET" 63499, "tf2WaitPgOK" 63500, "tf2SndNwPrm" 63501, "tf2NextPage" 63502, "tf20ChckPg" 63503, "tfClose" 63504, "tf1DCSRspns" 63505, "tf1TrainStrt" 63506, "tf1TrainFnsh" 63507, "tf1WaitCFR" 63508, "tf1WaitPgCn" 63509, "tf2Connect" 63510, "tf2GetParams" 63511, "tfWaitXon" 63512, "tfWaitFrHead" 63513, "tfSndPgeHdr" 63514, "tfOpenCover" 63515, "tfSendCover" 63516, "tfPrepPage" 63517, "tfSendPage" 63518, "tfDrainPage" 63519, "tf1PageEnd" 63520, "Command" 63521, "Sent Term" 63522, "tfNone" 63523, "tfGetEntry" 63524, "tfInit" 63525, "tf1Init1" 63526, "tf2Init1" 63527, "tf2Init1A" 63528, "tf2Init1B" 63529, "tf2Init2" 63530, "tf2Init3" 63531, "tfDial" 63532, "tfRetryWait" 63533, "tf1Connect" 63534, "tf1SendTSI" 63535, "tf1TSIRespns" 63536, "Wake" 63537, "Data" 63538, "Timer" 63539, "Status" 63540, "Avail" 63541, "Window" 63542, "Procedure" 63543, "Method" 63544, "Sent WILL" 63545, "Sent WON'T" 63546, "Sent DO" 63547, "Sent DON'T" 63548, "Recv WILL" 63549, "Recv WON'T" 63550, "Recv DO" 63551, "Recv DON'T" 63552, "BPlus" 63553, "Packet" 63554, "User" 63555, "Script" 63557, "ReadCom" 63558, "WriteCom" 63559, "Line status" 63560, "Modem status" 63561, "Avail" 63562, "Timer" 63563, "Data" 63564, "Status" 63565, "Start" 63566, "Exit" 63567, "Sleep" 63568, "Dispatch" 63569, "Trigger" 63570, "Error" 63571, "Thread" 63572, "TrigAllc" 63573, "TrigDisp" 63574, "TrgHdAlc" 63575, "TrgHdDsp" 63576, "TrDatChg" 63577, "Telnet" 63578, "Fax" 63579, "XModem" 63580, "YModem" 63581, "ZModem" 63582, "Kermit" 63583, "Ascii" 63584, "Unable to translate address" 63585, "Wave device in use" 63586, "Wave file already exists" 63587, "No wave data available" 63588, "Voice over IP not available (requires Windows 2000 and above)" 63589, "Remote was busy" 63590, "Destination address bad" 63591, "Remote did not answer" 63592, "Cancelled" 63593, "Remote rejected the call" 63594, "General failure" 63595, "ITTapi interface failure" 63596, "H.323 line not found" 63597, "Event notify failure" 63598, "Failed to find/load RASAPI32.DLL" 63599, "No event" 63600, "Invalid feature" 63601, "No multiple instance" 63602, "TAPI already open, dialing or answering" 63603, "TapiMode not set in TApdComPort" 63604, "No TAPI device selected" 63605, "Failed to find/load TAPI.DLL" 63606, "Failed to get TAPI address" 63607, "TAPI disabled for 16-bit environments" 63608, "Unexpected TAPI error" 63609, "TAPI device does not support voice extensions" 63610, "TAPI wave file error" 63611, "Caller ID Blocked" 63612, "Out of Area Call" 63613, "The selected file is not a wave file" 63614, "Unable to read wave file data" 63615, "Unsupported wave format" 63616, "No request" 63617, "Not owner" 63618, "Not registered" 63619, "Operation failed" 63620, "Operation unavailable" 63621, "Rate unavailable" 63622, "Resource unavailable" 63623, "Request overrun" 63624, "Structure too small" 63625, "Target not found" 63626, "Target is self" 63627, "Uninitialized" 63628, "User info too big" 63629, "Reinit failed" 63630, "Address blocked" 63631, "Billing rejected" 63632, "Invalid pointer" 63633, "Invalid privilege select" 63634, "Invalid rate" 63635, "Invalid request mode" 63636, "Invalid terminal ID" 63637, "Invalid terminal mode" 63638, "Invalid timeout" 63639, "Invalid tone" 63640, "Invalid tone list" 63641, "Invalid tone mode" 63642, "Invalid transfer mode" 63643, "Line mapper failed" 63644, "No conference" 63645, "No device" 63646, "No driver" 63647, "No memory" 63648, "Invalid device handle" 63649, "Invalid dial params" 63650, "Invalid digit list" 63651, "Invalid digit mode" 63652, "Invalid digits" 63653, "Invalid ext version" 63654, "Invalid group ID" 63655, "Invalid line handle" 63656, "Invalid line state" 63657, "Invalid location" 63658, "Invalid media list" 63659, "Invalid media mode" 63660, "Invalid message ID" 63661, "Invalid parameter" 63662, "Invalid park ID" 63663, "Invalid park mode" 63664, "Invalid application handle" 63665, "Invalid Application name" 63666, "Invalid bearer mode" 63667, "Invalid call completion mode" 63668, "Invalid call handle" 63669, "Invalid call parameters" 63670, "Invalid call privilege" 63671, "Invalid call select" 63672, "Invalid call state" 63673, "Invalid call state list" 63674, "Invalid card" 63675, "Invalid completion ID" 63676, "Invalid conference call handle" 63677, "Invalid consultation call handle" 63678, "Invalid country code" 63679, "Invalid device class" 63680, "Bearer mode unavailable" 63681, "Call unavailable" 63682, "Completion overrun" 63683, "Conference full" 63684, "Dial failed" 63685, "Dial failed, no dialtone" 63686, "Dial failed" 63687, "Dial failed" 63688, "Incompatible API version" 63689, "Incompatible EXT version" 63690, "INI file corrupt" 63691, "Resource in use" 63692, "Invalid address" 63693, "Invalid address ID" 63694, "Invalid address mode" 63695, "Invalid address state" 63696, "No Answer by Remote" 63697, "Invalid Destination Address" 63698, "Remote Unreachable" 63699, "Network Congestion" 63700, "Remote Equipment Incompatible" 63701, "Reason Unavailable" 63702, "No Dialtone" 63703, "Number Changed" 63704, "Out of Order" 63705, "Temporary Failure" 63706, "Quality of Service Unavail" 63707, "Blocked" 63708, "Do Not Disturb" 63709, "Cancelled" 63710, "Already allocated" 63711, "Bad device ID" 63712, "Translate change" 63713, "Compltion cancel" 63714, "Removed" 63715, "TAPI line reply" 63716, "TAPI state change" 63717, "Called number is busy" 63718, "Dial failed/no connection" 63719, "Waiting for retry in %d seconds" 63720, "Device is in use by another application" 63721, "Reason Unspecified" 63722, "Normal Hangup by Remote" 63723, "Reason Unknown" 63724, "Remote Rejected Call" 63725, "Call Picked Up Elsewhere" 63726, "Call was Forwarded" 63727, "Line was Busy" 63728, "In service" 63729, "Out of service" 63730, "Maintenance change" 63731, "Ppen change" 63732, "Closed" 63733, "Number of calls changed" 63734, "Number of completions changed" 63735, "Terminals changed" 63736, "Roam mode changed" 63737, "Battery changed" 63738, "Signal changed" 63739, "Device specific change" 63740, "Re-initialized" 63741, "Lock change" 63742, "Caps change" 63743, "Configuration change" 63744, "Called number is busy" 63745, "Special info" 63746, "Connected!" 63747, "Proceeding..." 63748, "On hold..." 63749, "Call conferenced" 63750, "On hold pending conference..." 63751, "On hold pending transfer..." 63752, "Call disconnected (%s)" 63753, "Unknown state" 63754, "Other" 63755, "Ringing" 63756, "Connected" 63757, "Disconnected" 63758, "Message wait on" 63759, "Message wait off" 63760, "WSAESTALE" 63761, "WSAEREMOTE" 63762, "Network subsystem unusable" 63763, "Version requested by WSAStartUp not supported by loaded Winsock DLL" 63764, "WSAStartUp not yet called" 63765, "WSAEDISCON" 63766, "Host not found" 63767, "Host not found, or SERVERFAIL, can try again" 63768, "Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP" 63769, "Valid name, but no data record of requested type" 63770, "Line is idle" 63771, "Offering line..." 63772, "Accepting call..." 63773, "Dialtone detected" 63774, "Dialing..." 63775, "Ringback detected" 63776, "The virtual circuit has been reset by the partner" 63777, "The descriptor is not a socket, or no buffer space is available" 63778, "The socket is already connected" 63779, "The socket is not connected" 63780, "The socket has been shutdown" 63781, "WSAETOOMANYREFS" 63782, "The operation timed out" 63783, "The attempt to connect was forcibly refused" 63784, "WSAELOOP: see WSAELOOP" 63785, "The name is too long" 63786, "The host machine is down" 63787, "The host machine is unreachable" 63788, "WSAENOTEMPTY" 63789, "WSAEPROCLIM" 63790, "WSAEUSERS" 63791, "WSAEDQUOT" 63792, "Socket descriptor is (1) not a socket, or (2) is of wrong type" 63793, "The destination address is required for this operation" 63794, "The datagram was too large to fit into the buffer and was truncated" 63795, "WSAEPROTOTYPE" 63796, "The option is unknown or not supported" 63797, "Either (1) not enough buffer space to create socket (2) protocol not supported" 63798, "Specified socket type not supported in this address family" 63799, "Operation is not supported by this socket" 63800, "Specified protocol family is not supported" 63801, "Specified address family is not supported by this protocol" 63802, "The address is already in use for this operation" 63803, "The address is not available from this machine" 63804, "The network subsystem has failed" 63805, "The network is unreachable from this machine at this time" 63806, "The network has been reset" 63807, "The virtual circuit has been aborted due to timeout, etc" 63808, "Error loading Winsock DLL" 63809, "Incorrect version of Winsock" 63810, "Winsock not initialized - %s" 63811, "Specified port is not valid" 63812, "Cannot change parameter while socket is connected" 63813, "Cannot resolve destination address" 63815, "Interrupted function call" 63816, "Bad file number" 63817, "Permission denied" 63818, "Unknown error" 63819, "Invalid argument" 63820, "Too many open files" 63821, "Warning : the socket would block on this call" 63822, "A blocking call is in progress" 63823, "WSAEALREADY: watch out, Al is ready" 63824, "PH-SIM PIN required" 63825, "SIM failure" 63826, "SIM busy" 63827, "SIM wrong" 63828, "SIM PUK required" 63829, "SIM PIN2 required" 63830, "SIM PUK2 required" 63831, "Memory failure" 63832, "Invalid memory index" 63833, "Memory is full" 63834, "SMS Center Address unknown" 63835, "No network service" 63836, "Network timeout" 63837, "No +CNMA acknowledgement expected" 63838, "Unknown error" 63839, "Async Professional Error" 63840, "Bad/missing resources in driver" 63841, "Driver file not found" 63842, "Cannot determine Win NT printer driver dir" 63843, "AddPrinterDriver API failed" 63844, "Busy with another command" 63845, "Timed out, no response back" 63846, "SMS message too long" 63847, "Status unknown" 63848, "Mobile equipment failure" 63849, "SMS service of ME reserved" 63850, "Operation not allowed" 63851, "Operation not supported" 63852, "Invalid PDU mode parameter" 63853, "Invalid Text mode parameter" 63854, "SIM card not inserted" 63855, "SIM PIN required" 63856, "No dial tone" 63857, "Failed to connect to remote fax" 63858, "Fax failed in mid-session" 63859, "Fax failed at page end" 63860, "NextBand GDI error in fax print driver" 63861, "Multiple resolutions per session not supported" 63862, "Initialization of fax converter failed" 63863, "Remote fax did not answer" 63864, "Directory already being monitored" 63865, "Unidrv support files already installed" 63866, "Cannot determine windows system dir" 63867, "Cannot determine windows dir" 63868, "Cannot determine setup file layout" 63869, "Cannot install Unidrv files to system dir" 63870, "Error copying printer driver" 63871, "32-bit AddPrinter call failed" 63872, "User aborted fax conversion" 63873, "User aborted fax unpack" 63874, "CreateBitmapIndirect API failure" 63875, "No image loaded into viewer" 63876, "No block of image marked" 63877, "APFAX.FNT not found, or resource bad" 63878, "Invalid page number specified for fax" 63879, "BMP size exceeds Windows' maxheight of 32767" 63880, "Font selected for enhanced text converter too large" 63881, "Fax incompatible with remote fax" 63882, "Bad response from modem" 63883, "Modems failed to train" 63884, "Error while initializing modem" 63885, "Called fax number was busy" 63886, "Called fax number answered with voice" 63887, "Incoming data call" 63888, "Generic INI file write error" 63889, "Generic INI file read error" 63890, "No index defined for database" 63891, "Record already exists" 63892, "Record not found in database" 63893, "Invalid index key name" 63894, "Maximum database records (999) reached" 63895, "No records in database" 63896, "iPrepareIniDatabase not called" 63897, "Bad field list in INI component" 63898, "Bad field index in INI component" 63899, "No state machine specified" 63900, "StartState not set" 63901, "No SAPI engine specified" 63902, "File is not an APF file" 63903, "Unsupported graphics file format" 63904, "Directory in search mask doesn't exist" 63905, "Cancel requested" 63906, "Fatal time out" 63907, "Unrecoverable event during protocol" 63908, "Too many errors during protocol" 63909, "Block sequence error in Xmodem" 63910, "No filename specified in protocol receive" 63911, "File was rejected" 63912, "Cant write file" 63913, "Kermit window table is full, fatal error" 63914, "Aborting due to carrier loss" 63915, "Function not supported by protocol" 63916, "Protocol aborted" 63917, "Key string too long" 63918, "Data string too long" 63919, "No fields defined in database" 63920, "Getting connection params" 63921, "Got called-station ID" 63922, "User abort" 63923, "Finished" 63924, "No more trigger slots" 63925, "Data trigger too long" 63926, "Bad trigger handle" 63927, "Start string is empty" 63928, "Packet size cannot be smaller than start string" 63929, "CharCount packets must have an end-condition" 63930, "End string is empty" 63931, "Packet size cannot be zero" 63932, "Packet too long" 63933, "Bad format in file list" 63934, "No search mask specified during transmit" 63935, "No files matched search mask" 63936, "Sending EOP" 63937, "Error sending page" 63938, "Page accepted by remote" 63939, "Connecting..." 63940, "Waiting for incoming call" 63941, "No connect on this call" 63942, "Answering incoming call" 63943, "Incoming call validated as fax" 63944, "Getting page data" 63945, "Getting end-of-page signal" 63946, "Getting end-of-document status" 63947, "Getting hangup command" 63948, "Got Class 2 FHNG code" 63949, "Switching modes" 63950, "Monitoring for incoming faxes" 63951, "Not monitoring for incoming faxes" 63952, "Got CrcE packet (Zmodem)" 63953, "Got CrcG packet (Zmodem)" 63954, "Got CrcW packet (Zmodem)" 63955, "Got CrcQ packet (Zmodem)" 63956, "B+ is trying to resume a download" 63957, "B+ host is resuming" 63958, "Waiting for B+ ACK" 63964, "Initializing modem for fax processing" 63965, "Dialing" 63966, "Busy, waiting until redial..." 63967, "Sending page data" 63968, "Bad date/time stamp received and ignored" 63969, "File rejected" 63970, "File renamed" 63971, "File skipped" 63972, "File doesn't exist locally, skipped" 63973, "File skipped " 63974, "Time out in protocol" 63975, "Bad checksum or CRC" 63976, "Block too long" 63977, "Duplicate block received and ignored " 63978, "Error in protocol" 63979, "Cancel requested" 63980, "At end of file" 63981, "B+ host refused resume request" 63982, "Block was out of sequence" 63983, "Aborting on carrier loss" 63984, "Busy" 63985, "No Connection" 63987, "Login Prompt" 63988, "Logged In" 63989, "Login Error" 63990, "Login Fail" 63991, "Message Ok To Send" 63992, "Sending Message" 63993, "Message Acknowledged" 63994, "Message Not Acknowledged" 63995, "Message Error" 63996, "Message Completed" 63997, "Done" 63998, "OK" 63999, "Protocol handshaking in progress" 64000, "PasswordExpired" 64001, "DeviceConnected" 64003, "Off Hook" 64004, "Dialing" 64005, "Ringing" 64006, "Wait For Connect" 64007, "Connected" 64008, "Waiting To Redial" 64009, "Redialing" 64010, "Message Not Sent" 64011, "Cancelling" 64012, "Disconnect" 64013, "Cleanup" 64015, "No Dial Tone" 64016, "AuthLinkSpeed" 64017, "AuthAck" 64018, "ReAuthenticate" 64019, "Authenticated" 64020, "PrepareForCallback" 64021, "WaitForModemReset" 64022, "WaitForCallback" 64023, "Projected" 64024, "StartAuthentication" 64025, "CallbackComplete" 64026, "LogonNetwork" 64027, "SubEntryConnected" 64028, "SubEntryDisconnected" 64029, "Interactive" 64030, "RetryAuthentication" 64031, "CallbackSetByCaller" 64032, "Connection Result: No dialtone, check connections" 64033, "Dial attempt timed out" 64034, "You must enter an entry name" 64035, "You must enter a phone number" 64036, "A phonebook entry with that name already exists" 64037, "OpenPort" 64038, "PortOpened" 64039, "ConnectDevice" 64040, "DeviceConnected" 64041, "AllDevicesConnected" 64042, "Authenticate" 64043, "AuthNotify" 64044, "AuthRetry" 64045, "AuthCallback" 64046, "AuthChangePassword" 64047, "AuthProject" 64048, "Pausing until redial" 64049, "No dialtone" 64050, "Connected waiting" 64051, "Connected" 64052, "Disconnecting" 64053, "Canceling" 64054, "Cycling dial attempt . . ." 64055, "Czekaj . . ." 64056, "Wait complete, redialing . . ." 64057, "Dialing . . ." 64058, "Modem connected!" 64059, "Connected at %d baud" 64060, "Connection Result: Remote answered with voice" 64061, "Connection Result: Modem return an error" 64062, "Connection Result: No carrier, connection failed" 64063, "Connection Result: Remote is busy" 64064, "No answer" 64065, "Modem Initialization Failure" 64066, "Failed to Login" 64067, "Minor Server Error" 64068, "Fatal Server Error" 64069, "Modem not found" 64070, "Invalid modemcap file" 64071, "Are you sure you want to delete this entry?" 64073, "Ready" 64074, "Initializing modem" 64075, "Initialize timed out" 64076, "AutoAnswer in background" 64077, "Waiting for incoming call" 64078, "Answering call" 64079, "Dialing" 64080, "Buffer is empty" 64081, "Tracing not enabled" 64082, "Logging not enabled" 64083, "Base address not set" 64084, "StartModem has not been called" 64085, "Modem is busy elsewhere" 64086, "Modem is not currently dialing" 64087, "Dialer is not dialing" 64088, "Dialer is already dialing" 64089, "Modem is not responding" 64090, "Invalid command sent to modem" 64091, "Wrong modem status requested" 64092, "Device not selected" 64093, "Called number is busy" 64094, "No dialtone" 64095, "No carrier" 64096, "ie_Bytesize - invalid byte size" 64097, "ie_Default - error in default parameters" 64098, "ie_Hardware - Specified comport in use" 64099, "ie_Memory - unable to allocate queues" 64100, "ie_NOpen - device not open" 64101, "ie_Open - device already open" 64102, "No more handles, can't open port" 64103, "No timers available" 64104, "The ComNumber property of the TApdComPort has not been set" 64105, "Comport was not opened by Tapi" 64106, "No device layer specified" 64107, "Function not supported by driver" 64108, "EnableCommNotification failed" 64109, "Failed to put entire block" 64110, "Failed to get entire block" 64111, "Output buffer too small for block" 64112, "Disk sector not found" 64113, "Printer is out of paper" 64114, "Device write error" 64115, "Device read error" 64116, "General failure" 64117, "Bad handle passed to com function" 64118, "Bad argument passed to function" 64119, "Got quit message" 64120, "Terminal buffer greater than 65521" 64121, "ComPort component not assigned" 64122, "Internal error creating window class" 64123, "Modem component not assigned" 64124, "Phonebook component not assigned" 64125, "Component not compatible with WinSock" 64126, "ie_BadId - Specified comport doesn't exist" 64127, "ie_Baudrate - unsupported baud rate" 64128, "Niewłaściwe użądzenie" 64129, "No more files" 64130, "Attempt to read beyond end of file" 64131, "Dysk jest pełny" 64132, "File/device not assigned" 64133, "File/device not open" 64134, "File/device not open for input" 64135, "File/device not open for output" 64136, "Disk is write-protected" 64137, "Unknown disk unit" 64138, "Drive is not ready" 64139, "Unknown command" 64140, "Data error" 64141, "Bad request structure length" 64142, "Seek error" 64143, "Unknown media type" 64144, "Reply Code is not valid: %s" 64145, "IOHandler value is not valid" 64146, "Chunk Started" 64147, "Not Acceptable" 64148, "Unknown Protocol" 64149, "Request method requires HTTP version 1.1" 64150, "This authentication method is already registered with class name %s." 64151, "Protocol field is empty" 64152, "Host field is empty" 64153, "OK" 64154, "File not found" 64155, "Path not found" 64156, "Too many open files" 64157, "File access denied" 64158, "Invalid file handle" 64159, "Insufficient memory" 64160, "%d: Circular links are not allowed" 64161, "Not enough data in buffer." 64162, "Too much data in buffer." 64163, "File \"%s\" not found" 64164, "Not Connected" 64165, "Object type not supported." 64166, "No data to read." 64167, "Read Timeout" 64168, "Max line length exceeded." 64169, "Connect timed out." 64170, "Already connected." 64171, "Maximum number of line allowed exceeded" 64172, "Transparent proxy cannot bind." 64173, "UDP Not supported by this proxy." 64174, "Buffer terminator must be specified." 64175, "Buffer start position is invalid." 64176, "UDP is not support in this SOCKS version." 64177, "Request rejected or failed." 64178, "Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect." 64179, "Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids." 64180, "Unknown socks error." 64181, "Socks server did not respond." 64182, "Invalid socks authentication method." 64183, "Authentication error to socks server." 64184, "General SOCKS server failure." 64185, "Connection not allowed by ruleset." 64186, "Network unreachable." 64187, "Host unreachable." 64188, "Connection refused." 64189, "TTL expired." 64190, "Command not supported." 64191, "Address type not supported." 64192, "Host not found." 64193, "Stack Class is undefined." 64194, "Stack already created." 64195, "Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application." 64196, "Cannot change IPVersion when connected" 64197, "Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)" 64198, "Connection Closed Gracefully." 64199, "Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use." 64200, "Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)" 64201, "%s is not a valid service." 64202, "IPv6 unavailable" 64203, "%s is not a valid IPv6 address" 64204, "The requested IPVersion / Address family is not supported." 64205, "Not all bytes sent." 64206, "Package Size Too Big." 64207, "Set Size Exceeded." 64208, "Network is unreachable." 64209, "Net dropped connection or reset." 64210, "Software caused connection abort." 64211, "Connection reset by peer." 64212, "No buffer space available." 64213, "Socket is already connected." 64214, "Socket is not connected." 64215, "Cannot send or receive after socket is closed." 64216, "Too many references, cannot splice." 64217, "Connection timed out." 64218, "Connection refused." 64219, "Too many levels of symbolic links." 64220, "File name too long." 64221, "Host is down." 64222, "No route to host." 64223, "Directory not empty" 64224, "Operation would block." 64225, "Operation now in progress." 64226, "Operation already in progress." 64227, "Socket operation on non-socket." 64228, "Destination address required." 64229, "Message too long." 64230, "Protocol wrong type for socket." 64231, "Bad protocol option." 64232, "Protocol not supported." 64233, "Socket type not supported." 64234, "Operation not supported on socket." 64235, "Protocol family not supported." 64236, "Address family not supported by protocol family." 64237, "Address already in use." 64238, "Cannot assign requested address." 64239, "Network is down." 64240, "Error on call Winsock2 library function %s" 64241, "Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)" 64242, "Winsock Initialization Error." 64243, "Resolving hostname %s." 64244, "Łączenie do %s." 64245, "Połączono." 64246, "Rozłączanie" 64247, "Rozłączono" 64248, "%s" 64249, "Socket Error # %d\r\n%s" 64250, "Interrupted system call." 64251, "Bad file number." 64252, "Access denied." 64253, "Buffer fault." 64254, "Invalid argument." 64255, "Too many open files." 64256, "Regular expression is not compiled" 64257, "Incorrect parameter quantifier" 64258, "The parameter quantifier cannot be applied here" 64259, "Regular expression errors:" 64260, "The edit value is invalid" 64261, "Cannot open device %s" 64262, "Device is allready opened." 64263, "Device not opened." 64264, "Unable to update device control block." 64265, "Unable to update IO buffers." 64266, "Unable to update Timeouts." 64267, "Device locked. Cannot perform send operations." 64268, "Device locked. Cannot perform read operations." 64269, "Unable to read from port." 64270, "Unable to write to port." 64271, "Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information." 64272, "The source stream is empty" 64273, "The '+' quantifier cannot be applied here" 64274, "The '*' quantifier cannot be applied here" 64275, "The alternative should not be empty" 64276, "The block should not be empty" 64277, "Illegal '%s'" 64278, "Illegal quantifier '%s'" 64279, "Illegal integer value" 64280, "Too big reference number" 64281, "Can't create empty enumeration" 64282, "The starting character of the subrange must be less than the finishing one" 64283, "Hexadecimal number expected" 64284, "Hexadecimal number expected but '%s' found" 64285, "Missing '%s'" 64286, "Unnecessary '%s'" 64287, "The space character is not allowed after '\\'" 64288, "The repository item is not acceptable" 64289, "Could not convert to numeric value" 64290, "Circular referencing is not allowed" 64291, "Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes" 64292, "Value out of bounds" 64293, "True" 64295, "False" 64296, "CheckBox|Represents a check box control that allows selecting an option" 64297, "ComboBox|Represents the combo box editor" 64298, "MaskEdit|Represents a generic masked edit control." 64299, "PopupEdit|Represents an edit control with a dropdown list" 64300, "TextEdit|Represents a single line text editor" 64301, "Line" 64302, "Char" 64303, "The source stream is not assigned" 64304, "Wednesday" 64305, "Thursday" 64306, "Friday" 64307, "Saturday" 64308, "first" 64309, "second" 64310, "third" 64311, "fourth" 64312, "fifth" 64313, "sixth" 64314, "seventh" 64315, "bom" 64316, "eom" 64317, "now" 64318, "Stream read error" 64319, "Stream write error" 64320, "There is no such palette entry." 64321, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image contains an unknown critical part which could not be decoded." 64322, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is encoded with an unknown compression scheme which could not be decoded." 64323, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image uses an unknown interlace scheme which could not be decoded." 64324, "The chunks must be compatible to be assigned." 64325, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is invalid because the decoder found an unexpected end of the file." 64326, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image contains no data." 64327, "Some operation could not be performed because the system is out of resources. Close some windows and try again." 64328, "This operation is not valid because the current image contains no valid header." 64329, "The new size provided for image resizing is invalid." 64330, "today" 64331, "yesterday" 64332, "tomorrow" 64333, "Sunday" 64334, "Monday" 64335, "Tuesday" 64336, "Find and Replace" 64337, "Przejdeź do" 64338, "Lini" 64339, "Znacznika" 64340, "Znacznik %d nie istnieje" 64341, "Nie mogę zmienić rozmiaru grafiki JPEG" 64342, "Błąd JPEG #%d" 64343, "Plik grafiki JPEG" 64344, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is not valid because it contains invalid pieces of data (crc error)" 64345, "The \"Portable Network Graphics\" image could not be loaded because one of its main piece of data (ihdr) might be corrupted" 64346, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is invalid because it has missing image parts." 64347, "Could not decompress the image because it contains invalid compressed data.\r\n Description: " 64348, "The \"Portable Network Graphics\" image contains an invalid palette." 64349, "The file being readed is not a valid \"Portable Network Graphics\" image because it contains an invalid header. This file may be corruped, try obtaining it again." 64350, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is not supported or it might be invalid.\r\n(IHDR chunk is not the first)" 64351, "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is not supported because either it's width or height exceeds the maximum size, which is 65535 pixels length." 64352, "Wybór wydruku" 64353, " Plik do wydruku " 64354, "&Print selected block" 64355, " Opcje " 64356, "Ustawienia" 64357, "Nagłówek / numer strony" 64358, "Numer linii" 64359, "Składnia druku" 64360, "Użyj koloru" 64361, "Pokaż proces drukowania" 64362, "Zawijaj długie linie" 64363, "Poziomy margines" 64364, "Pionowy margines" 64365, "&Less" 64366, "&More" 64367, "%d replacements have been made" 64368, "Wytnij" 64369, "Kopiuj" 64370, "Wklej" 64371, "OK" 64372, "Anuluj" 64373, "Pomoc" 64374, "" 64375, "" 64376, "Drukuj od strony %d do %s" 64377, "Strona %d/%d" 64378, " ... " 64379, "Printing on printer %s" 64380, "Stan wydruku" 64381, "Wyszukiwanie drukarki ..." 64382, "Printing pages: calculation ..." 64383, "Drukuj" 64384, "Regular e&xpressions" 64385, "&Prompt on replace" 64386, "Direction" 64387, "Forwar&d" 64388, "&Backward" 64389, "Scope" 64390, "&Global" 64391, "&Selected text" 64392, "Origin" 64393, "&From cursor" 64394, "&Entire scope" 64395, "Replace &All" 64396, "Replace" 64397, "Close" 64398, "Find" 64399, "&Undo" 64400, "Can't open file for writing" 64401, "Can't map file" 64402, "Can't perform MapViewOfFile" 64403, "Invalid file format" 64404, "This file doesn't contain resources" 64405, "Resource not found" 64406, "Load color styles" 64407, "Save color styles" 64408, "~Line~" 64409, " Opcje " 64410, "Usuń" 64411, "Zaznacz wszystko" 64412, "Szukaj tekst:" 64413, "Zamień na:" 64414, "Precyzyjne szukanie" 64415, "Tylko całe wyrażenie" 64416, "Can't insert duplicate item" 64417, "Failed to load \"%s\"" 64418, "%s procedure not found in \"%s\"" 64419, "Call to %s failed in \"%s\"" 64420, "Color scheme (*.rgb)|*.RGB" 64421, "Go to line Number" 64422, "&Enter new line number:" 64423, "Find Text" 64424, "Replace Text" 64425, "Invalid Tab Rack" 64426, "Tried to search marked block but it is invalid" 64427, "Tried to search marked block from cursor but cursor is outside block" 64428, "Search string '%s' not found" 64429, "Replace this occurence of '%s'?" 64430, "This type isn't supported by WriteToRegistry" 64431, "\r\nError code : %d" 64432, "output.txt" 64433, "String identifier \"%s\" not found!" 64434, "Unable to obtain %s class reference! Please be sure you don't use the VCL and CLX units in same application." 64435, "Classic" 64436, "Brief" 64437, "Epsilon" 64438, "Visual Studio" 64439, " at Line:%d, Char:%d. " 64440, "Token list is empty" 64441, "Błąd aktualizacji zasobów" 64442, "Nie mogę usunąć pliku %S" 64443, "Nie mogę zmienić nazwy pliku %s na %s" 64444, "Nie mogę utworzyć tymczasowej nazwy pliku" 64445, "Modyfikuj" 64446, "Wstaw" 64447, "Nadpisz" 64448, "Dimmed text" 64449, "Button text" 64450, "Inactive window title bar text" 64451, "Button highlight" 64452, "Dark shadow 3D elements" 64453, "Highlight 3D elements" 64454, "Tooltip text" 64455, "Tooltip background" 64456, "Gradient Active Caption" 64457, "Gradient Inactive Caption" 64458, "Hot Light" 64459, "Menu Bar" 64460, "Menu Highlight" 64461, "File \"%s\" not found" 64462, "The grabber is not stopped, you cannot change its URL." 64463, "JEDI-VCL" 64464, "Desktop background" 64465, "Active window title bar" 64466, "Inactive window title bar" 64467, "Menu background" 64468, "Window background" 64469, "Window frame" 64470, "Menu text" 64471, "Window text" 64472, "Active window title bar text" 64473, "Active window border" 64474, "Inactive window border" 64475, "Application workspace" 64476, "Selection background" 64477, "Selection text" 64478, "Button face" 64479, "Button shadow" 64480, "Violet" 64481, "Gray 40%" 64482, "Pink" 64483, "Gold" 64484, "Bright Green" 64485, "Turquoise" 64486, "Plum" 64487, "Gray 25%" 64488, "Rose" 64489, "Tan" 64490, "Light Yellow" 64491, "Light Green" 64492, "Light Turquoise" 64493, "Pale Blue" 64494, "Lavender" 64495, "Scrollbar" 64496, "Medium gray" 64497, "Brown" 64498, "Olive Green" 64499, "Dark Green" 64500, "Dark Teal" 64501, "Dark Blue" 64502, "Indigo" 64503, "Gray 80%" 64504, "Dark Red" 64505, "Orange" 64506, "Dark Yellow" 64507, "Blue Gray" 64508, "Gray 50%" 64509, "Light Orange" 64510, "Sea Green" 64511, "Light Blue" 64512, "Olive green" 64513, "Navy blue" 64514, "Purple" 64515, "Teal" 64516, "Gray" 64517, "Silver" 64518, "Red" 64519, "Lime" 64520, "Yellow" 64521, "Blue" 64522, "Fuchsia" 64523, "Aqua" 64524, "White" 64525, "Money green" 64526, "Sky blue" 64527, "Cream" 64528, "Hint" 64529, "TElementEnumerator.GetNextElement: No more elements to return" 64530, "TDefaultParser.ParseNode: Unsupported state" 64531, "TWordEnumerator.GetNext: No more words to return" 64532, "TTextHandler.EmptyBuffer: Unsupported TParentTextElement descendant encountered" 64533, "This class cannot be instantiated" 64534, "TNode.GetNodeType: Unknown class" 64535, "No more nodes to return" 64536, "No more records to return" 64537, "TStringNode.GetWordInfo: Index out of bounds" 64538, "Value must be between %0:g and %1:g" 64539, "Browse" 64540, "All files (*.*)|*.*" 64541, "Black" 64542, "Maroon" 64543, "Green" 64544, "H" 64545, "S" 64546, "Item cannot be deleted" 64547, "A context with that name already exists" 64548, "Cannot create a context without a context list owner" 64549, "You must specify a provider before setting the context" 64550, "Provider has no context named \"%s\"" 64551, "Provider does not support contexts" 64552, "The specified context is not part of the same provider" 64553, "You must specify a provider before setting the item" 64554, "Item not found in the selected context" 64555, "ViewList out of sync" 64556, "Implementation of that class already exists" 64557, "Expected collection" 64558, "Missing ClassName property" 64559, "Invalid class type" 64560, "Circular reference of storages" 64561, "%s: Mutex Timeout" 64562, "TJvCustomAppStorage.Synchronize:" 64563, "The node must be given a name" 64564, "Path '%s' does not exists" 64565, "XML Node names cannot contain white space and the WhiteSpaceReplacement property is empty. Please set the WhiteSpaceReplacementProperty to a non empty value." 64566, "The WhiteSpaceReplacement property cannot contain any white spaces." 64567, "XML Node names cannot contain invalid chars (\"%s\") and the InvalidCharReplacement property is empty. Please set the InvalidCharReplacement to a non empty value." 64568, "\"%0:s\" is not an allowed character for the %1:s property." 64569, "Shell not compatible with BrowseForFolder" 64570, "This value is read-only and cannot be changed." 64571, "%s file" 64572, "A" 64573, "C" 64574, "D" 64575, "R" 64576, "Random" 64577, "Unfold" 64578, "Slide" 64579, "Fade" 64580, "Text Panel" 64581, "Container Panel" 64582, "Keyboard State Panel" 64583, "State Indicator Panel" 64584, "Selection contains a component introduced in an ancestor form which cannot be deleted" 64585, "(item does not support the IJvDataItemText interface)" 64586, "internal error" 64587, "The Default Root Value \"%0:s\" has been replaced with \"%1:s\".\r\nPlease change the value in the FileVersionInfo Project Properties." 64588, "Invalid type" 64589, "Unknown base type for given set" 64590, "Invalid path" 64591, "'%s' is not a unique root path" 64592, "Zmień nazwę kategorii" 64593, "Dodaj pasek narzędzi" 64594, "Zmień nazwę paska narzędzi" 64595, "Nazwa kategorii:" 64596, "Nazwa paska narzędzi:" 64597, "... modyfikacja" 64598, "Personalized Menus and Toolbars " 64599, "Me&nus show recently used commands first" 64600, "Show f&ull menus after a short delay" 64601, "&Reset my usage data" 64602, "Inne " 64603, "Duże ikony" 64604, "Pokaż narzedzia i porady w pasku narzedzionym" 64605, "Pokaż skróty klawiszowe w narzędziach i poradach" 64606, "Animacja menu:" 64607, "(Brak)" 64608, "Usuń" 64609, "Reset..." 64610, "Zamknij" 64611, "Ustawiena użytkownika" 64612, "Kategoria:" 64613, "Polecenia:" 64614, "Opis " 64615, "&Customize..." 64616, "Dodaj lub usuń klawisz" 64617, "More Buttons" 64618, "Reset paska narzędzi" 64619, "Expand (Ctrl-Down)" 64620, "Drag to make this menu float" 64621, "Custom " 64622, "Dodaj kategorie" 64623, "Wstaw kategorie" 64624, "Usuń" 64625, "Czyść" 64626, "Widoczny" 64627, "OK" 64628, "Anuluj" 64629, "Edytor pod-menu..." 64630, "Edycja ekspresowego paska pod-menu" 64631, "Wstaw..." 64632, "Przenieś do góru" 64633, "Przenieś w dół" 64634, " Narzędzia " 64635, " Polecenia " 64636, " Opcje " 64637, "Narzędzia:" 64638, "Nowy..." 64639, "Zmień nazwę..." 64640, "Domyślny styl" 64641, "&Text Only (Always)" 64642, "Text &Only (in Menus)" 64643, "Image &and Text" 64644, "Begin a &Group" 64645, "&Visible" 64646, "&Most recently used" 64647, "&Position" 64648, "View&Levels" 64649, "All" 64650, " ONLY" 64651, "ButtonG&roup" 64652, "Group" 64653, "Ungroup" 64654, "Add..." 64655, "Zmień nazwe..." 64656, "The '%s' toolbar is not merged with the '%s' toolbar" 64657, "Domyślny" 64658, "Nowy klawisz" 64659, "New Item" 64660, "Nowy separator" 64661, "New SubItem" 64662, "Add &SubItem" 64663, "Add &Button" 64664, "Add &Separator" 64665, "Add &Item" 64666, "Delete Item" 64667, "Delete Link" 64668, "Reset" 64669, "Usuń" 64670, "Nazwa:" 64671, "&Caption:" 64672, "There are no TdxBarManagers available" 64673, "Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' toolbar?" 64674, "Are you sure you want to delete selected toolbars?" 64675, "Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' category?" 64676, "Are you sure you want to delete all commands in the '%s' category?" 64677, "You cannot create recursive menus" 64678, "A command name cannot be blank. Please enter a name." 64679, "A toolbar named '%s' already exists. Type another name." 64680, "You cannot create recursive groups" 64681, "One of the selected objects is an item which has several links. Are you sure you want to delete these links?" 64682, "A separator item cannot be placed on the specified toolbar" 64683, "You cannot merge with the specified toolbar" 64684, "You cannot merge a toolbar with a toolbar that is already merged" 64685, "You cannot unmerge the specified toolbar" 64686, "The '%s' toolbar has merged toolbars" 64687, "The '%s' toolbar is already merged with the '%s' toolbar" 64688, "Fuchsia" 64689, "Aqua" 64690, "White" 64691, "(automatic)" 64692, "(custom)" 64693, "Today" 64694, "Clear" 64695, "Select the date" 64696, "Select item" 64697, "Select item" 64698, "The place for the " 64699, "You cannot assign the same control to more than one TdxBarControlContainerItem" 64700, "Are you sure you want to reset the changes made to the '%s' toolbar?" 64701, "This will delete the record of the commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands to the menus and toolbars. It will not undo any explicit customizations. Are you sure you want to proceed?" 64702, "A control should contain only a single TdxBarManager" 64703, "TdxBarManager should have TWinControl as its Owner" 64704, "Unable to retrieve a pointer to a running object registered with OLE for %s/%s" 64705, "OK" 64706, "Anuluj" 64707, "Czarny" 64708, "Maroon" 64709, "Zielony" 64710, "Olive" 64711, "Navy" 64712, "Purple" 64713, "Teal" 64714, "Gray" 64715, "Silver" 64716, "Czerwony" 64717, "Lime" 64718, "Żółty" 64719, "Niebieski" 64720, "The Owner of the TdxCustomDockControl must be TCustomForm." 64721, "The Parent of the %s must be TdxCustomDockControl." 64722, "The Parent of the TdxDockSite cannot be TdxCustomDockControl." 64723, "The Parent of the TdxFloatDockSite can only be TdxFloatForm." 64724, "You cannot insert a TdxCustomDockControl into TdxDockPanel (%s is being inserted)." 64725, "You can only insert a TdxCustomDockControl into TdxCustomDockSite (%s is being inserted)." 64726, "You cannot create a TdxZone without the owning TdxCustomDockControl." 64727, "Internal error while autohide controls." 64728, "Internal error while creating a %s object layout." 64729, "Internal error while destroying a %s object layout." 64730, "You cannot have more than one TdxDockingManager instance on a Form." 64731, "Docking and auto hiding operations are not available for controls declared in an ancestor form." 64732, "OLE control activation failed" 64733, "Could not obtain OLE control window handle" 64734, "License information for %s is invalid" 64735, "License information for %s not found. You cannot use this control in design mode" 64736, "FormButtonHelp" 64737, "FormButtonMaximize" 64738, "FormButtonMinimize" 64739, "FormButtonRestore" 64740, "SmallFormButtonClose" 64741, "StatusBar" 64742, "Borders" 64743, "Left" 64744, "Top" 64745, "Right" 64746, "Bottom" 64747, "Invalid operation in GDI+" 64748, "You cannot delete a TdxLayoutDockSite." 64749, "You cannot delete a TdxFloatDockSite." 64750, "You cannot delete a TdxCustomDockSite in floating mode." 64751, "You cannot set the parent for this component." 64752, "PlusMinusEx" 64753, "BandBorder" 64754, "GridLine" 64755, "Row" 64756, "Category" 64757, "TextShadowColor" 64758, "FormFrameLeft" 64759, "FormCaption" 64760, "FormContent" 64761, "FormFrameRight" 64762, "FormFrameBottom" 64763, "SmallFormFrameLeft" 64764, "SmallFormCaption" 64765, "SmallFormFrameRight" 64766, "SmallFormFrameBottom" 64767, "FormButtonClose" 64768, "CardSeparator" 64769, "FilterButton" 64770, "FilterButtonActive" 64771, "GridFilterPanel" 64772, "FooterCell" 64773, "FooterPanel" 64774, "GridLine" 64775, "GridGroupPanel" 64776, "GroupRow" 64777, "Header" 64778, "HeaderLeft" 64779, "HeaderRight" 64780, "HeaderSpecial" 64781, "IndicatorImages" 64782, "GridFixedLine" 64783, "PlusMinus" 64784, "TrackBarThumbVertBoth" 64785, "TrackBarThumbVertUp" 64786, "TrackBarTrack" 64787, "TrackBarTrackVert" 64788, "TabHeaderBottom" 64789, "TabHeaderLeft" 64790, "TabHeaderRight" 64791, "TabHeader" 64792, "TabButtonHorz" 64793, "TabPane" 64794, "TabButtonVert" 64795, "RowIndentFar" 64796, "RowIndentNear" 64797, "SelectedHeaderDownGrow" 64798, "SelectedHeaderHGrow" 64799, "SelectedHeaderUpGrow" 64800, "ScrollButton" 64801, "ScrollContentHorz" 64802, "ScrollContentVert" 64803, "ScrollThumbHorz" 64804, "ScrollThumbVert" 64805, "SizeGrip" 64806, "SplitterHorz" 64807, "Splitter" 64808, "ScreenTipItem" 64809, "ScreenTipSeparator" 64810, "ScreenTipTitleItem" 64811, "ScreenTipWindow" 64812, "TrackBarThumb" 64813, "TrackBarThumbBoth" 64814, "TrackBarThumbUp" 64815, "TrackBarThumbVert" 64816, "GroupPanelCaptionTop" 64817, "GroupPanelLeft" 64818, "GroupPanelNoBorder" 64819, "GroupPanelRight" 64820, "GroupPanelTop" 64821, "Button" 64822, "Checkbox" 64823, "ClockFace" 64824, "ClockGlass" 64825, "Navigator" 64826, "NavigatorVert" 64827, "ProgressBorder" 64828, "ProgressBorderVert" 64829, "ProgressChunk" 64830, "ProgressChunkVert" 64831, "RadioButton" 64832, "AutoHideBarLeft" 64833, "AutoHideBarRight" 64834, "DockWindowBorder" 64835, "DockWindowCaption" 64836, "InactiveCaptionTextColor" 64837, "TabHeader" 64838, "TabHeaderAutoHideBar" 64839, "TabHeaderBackground" 64840, "TabHeaderLine" 64841, "DockWindowButton" 64842, "DockWindowButtonGlyphs" 64843, "GroupPanel" 64844, "GroupPanelBottom" 64845, "GroupPanelCaptionBottom" 64846, "GroupPanelCaptionLeft" 64847, "GroupPanelCaptionRight" 64848, "CurrentTimeIndicator" 64849, "MoreButton" 64850, "NavButtonNext" 64851, "NavButtonNextArrow" 64852, "NavButtonPrev" 64853, "NavButtonPrevArrow" 64854, "TimeGridCurrentTimeIndicator" 64855, "TimeGridHeader" 64856, "TimeGridHeaderSelected" 64857, "DefaultTimeLine" 64858, "Ruler" 64859, "ActiveTabHeaderDownGrow" 64860, "ActiveTabHeaderHGrow" 64861, "ActiveTabHeaderUpGrow" 64862, "AutoHideBar" 64863, "AutoHideBarBottom" 64864, "Item" 64865, "ItemSelected" 64866, "OverflowPanel" 64867, "OverflowPanelExpandItem" 64868, "OverflowPanelItem" 64869, "ScrollDownButton" 64870, "ScrollUpButton" 64871, "Splitter" 64872, "AllDayArea" 64873, "AllDayAreaSelected" 64874, "Appointment" 64875, "BorderSize" 64876, "AppointmentBottomShadow" 64877, "AppointmentMask" 64878, "AppointmentRightBorder" 64879, "AppointmentRightShadow" 64880, "TabHeaderDownGrow" 64881, "Tab" 64882, "TabPanel" 64883, "TabGroupButton" 64884, "Background" 64885, "GroupClient" 64886, "GroupCloseButton" 64887, "GroupHeader" 64888, "GroupOpenButton" 64889, "Item" 64890, "FontSize" 64891, "Height" 64892, "GroupButton" 64893, "GroupButtonSelected" 64894, "Caption" 64895, "GroupClient" 64896, "IndentBeforeCustomizeButton" 64897, "Offset" 64898, "QATAboveBackground" 64899, "QATBelowBackground" 64900, "QATButtonGlyph" 64901, "QATOverflow" 64902, "QATCustomizeButton" 64903, "QATInRibbonBackground" 64904, "Button" 64905, "SplitButtonLeft" 64906, "SplitButtonRight" 64907, "StatusBarBackground" 64908, "StatusBarButton" 64909, "StatusBarSeparator" 64910, "TabGroup" 64911, "TabGroupCaption" 64912, "FormCaption" 64913, "FormFrameLeft" 64914, "FormFrameRight" 64915, "DropDownGalleryBackground" 64916, "InRibbonGalleryButtonDown" 64917, "InRibbonGalleryButtonDropDown" 64918, "InRibbonGalleryButtonUp" 64919, "DropDownGalleryGroupHeader" 64920, "InRibbonGalleryPane" 64921, "DropDownGallerySizeGrip" 64922, "DropDownGallerySizePanel" 64923, "TabBackground" 64924, "LargeButton" 64925, "LargeSplitButtonBottom" 64926, "LargeSplitButtonTop" 64927, "DisplayCustomizeButtonOutsideQAT" 64928, "FormAppButton" 64929, "AppMenuBackgroundBottom" 64930, "AppMenuBackground" 64931, "ButtonArrow" 64932, "ButtonDisabled" 64933, "ButtonGroup" 64934, "ButtonGroupButton" 64935, "ButtonGroupSeparator" 64936, "TabGroupCollapsed" 64937, "TabGroupCollapsedBox" 64938, "DialogFrameBottom" 64939, "DialogFrameLeft" 64940, "DialogFrameRight" 64941, "DocumentNameTextColor" 64942, "AppMenuExtraPaneColor" 64943, "FormFrameBottom" 64944, "MainMenuVertical" 64945, "PopupMenu" 64946, "PopupMenuCheck" 64947, "PopupMenuExpandButton" 64948, "PopupMenuLinkSelected" 64949, "PopupMenuSeparator" 64950, "PopupMenuSideStrip" 64951, "PopupMenuSideStripNonRecent" 64952, "PopupMenuDropDownButtonLabel" 64953, "PopupMenuDropDownButtonArrow" 64954, "TextColor" 64955, "TextColorDisabled" 64956, "TextColorHot" 64957, "TextColorSelected" 64958, "TextColorInactive" 64959, "RightIndent" 64960, "Bar" 64961, "BarCustomize" 64962, "BarCustomizeVertical" 64963, "BarDragGrip" 64964, "BarDragGripVertical" 64965, "BarSeparator" 64966, "BarVertical" 64967, "BarSeparatorVertical" 64968, "Dock" 64969, "FloatBar" 64970, "LinkStatic" 64971, "LinkSelected" 64972, "MainMenu" 64973, "MainMenuCustomize" 64974, "MainMenuDrag" 64975, "MainMenuLinkSelected" 64976, "Editors" 64977, "Form" 64978, "Grid" 64979, "NavBar" 64980, "NavPane" 64981, "Ribbon" 64982, "Scheduler" 64983, "PageControl" 64984, "VerticalGrid" 64985, "ComboButtonGlyph" 64986, "SpinUpGlyph" 64987, "SpinDownGlyph" 64988, "SpinLeftGlyph" 64989, "SpinRightGlyph" 64990, "EditorButton" 64991, "CloseButton" 64992, "ContentEvenColor" 64993, "ContentOddColor" 64994, "ContentTextColor" 64995, "HeaderBackgroundColor" 64996, "HeaderBackgroundTextColor" 64997, "LayoutControlColor" 64998, "NavigatorColor" 64999, "SelectionColor" 65000, "SelectionTextColor" 65001, "TabHeaderTextColor" 65002, "TabHeaderTextColorActive" 65003, "FontDelta" 65004, "DockControlHiddenBarTextColor" 65005, "Bars" 65006, "Common" 65007, "Docking" 65008, "Unable to insert an item" 65009, "%d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d" 65010, "This control requires version 4.70 or greater of COMCTL32.DLL" 65011, "Index (%d) must be between 0 and %d" 65012, "BaseImages is not assigned" 65013, "TabVisibleIndex (%d) must be between 0 and %d" 65014, "There are no visible tabs" 65015, "DXSKINS" 65016, "Invalid stream format" 65017, "The skin data version is older than the current ExpressSkins Library version.\r\nSkins cannot be loaded due to a version mismatch." 65018, "SeparatorColor" 65019, "DisabledTextColor" 65020, "DisabledText" 65021, "ContainerBorderColor" 65022, "ContainerHighlightBorderColor" 65023, "ContentColor" 65024, "Invalid format type for BCD" 65025, "Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string" 65026, "Invalid SQL date/time values" 65027, "OLE error %.8x" 65028, "Method '%s' not supported by automation object" 65029, "Variant does not reference an automation object" 65030, "Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters" 65031, "DCOM not installed" 65032, "Failed to clear tab control" 65033, "Failed to delete tab at index %d" 65034, "Failed to retrieve tab at index %d" 65035, "Failed to get object at index %d" 65036, "Failed to set tab \"%s\" at index %d" 65037, "Failed to set object at index %d" 65038, "MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight" 65039, "Invalid index" 65040, "Unknown AMD (Model %d)" 65041, "%s - application error" 65042, "Exception class: %s" 65043, "Exception message: %s" 65044, "Exception address: %p" 65045, "Stack list, generated %s" 65046, "List of loaded modules:" 65047, "System : %s %s, Version: %d.%d, Build: %x, \"%s\"" 65048, "Processor: %s, %s, %d MHz" 65049, "Memory: %d; free %d" 65050, "Display : %dx%d pixels, %d bpp" 65051, "Active Controls hierarchy:" 65052, "Thread: %s" 65053, "(no version info)" 65054, "BCD overflow" 65055, "%s is not a valid BCD value" 65056, "Windows Vista" 65057, "Windows Server \"Longhorn\"" 65058, "Workstation" 65059, "Server" 65060, "Advanced Server" 65061, "Home Edition" 65062, "Professional" 65063, "Datacenter Server" 65064, "Enterprise" 65065, "Web Edition" 65066, "Err" 65067, "GetOpenGLVersion: %s failed" 65068, "Can not write to a read-only memory stream" 65069, "File [%s] has not TD32 debug information!" 65070, "Library not found: %s" 65071, "Function not found: %s.%s" 65072, "Data TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries" 65073, "Data TLB1: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 256 entries" 65074, "64-Byte Prefetching" 65075, "128-Byte Prefetching" 65076, "Windows 95" 65077, "Windows 95 OSR2" 65078, "Windows 98" 65079, "Windows 98 SE" 65080, "Windows ME" 65081, "Windows NT 3.%u" 65082, "Windows NT 4.%u" 65083, "Windows 2000" 65084, "Windows XP" 65085, "Windows Server 2003" 65086, "Windows Server 2003 \"R2\"" 65087, "Windows XP x64" 65088, "Trace cache: 16 K-Ops, 8-way set associative" 65089, "Trace cache: 32 K-Ops, 8-way set associative" 65090, "2nd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 bytes line size" 65091, "2nd-level cache: 128 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 bytes line size, 2 lines per sector" 65092, "2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 bytes line size, 2 lines per sector" 65093, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 bytes line size, 2 lines per sector" 65094, "2nd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 bytes line size, 2 lines per sector" 65095, "2nd-level cache: 2 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65096, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65097, "2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 8-way associative, 32 byte line size" 65098, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 8-way associative, 32 byte line size" 65099, "2nd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 8-way associative, 32 byte line size" 65100, "2nd-level cache: 2 MBytes, 8-way associative, 32 byte line size" 65101, "2nd-level cache: 512 KByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65102, "2nd-level cache: 1 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65103, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries" 65104, "3rd-level cache: 4 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65105, "3rd-level cache: 8 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65106, "2nd-level cache: 4 MBytes, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65107, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2 MByte or 4 MByte pages, 64 Entries" 65108, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2 MByte or 4 MByte pages, 128 Entries" 65109, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2 MByte or 4 MByte pages, 256 Entries" 65110, "Data TLB0: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 16 entries" 65111, "Data TLB0: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 16 entries" 65112, "Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 64 Entries" 65113, "Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 128 Entries" 65114, "Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 256 Entries" 65115, "1st-level data cache: 16 KByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65116, "1st-level data cache: 8 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65117, "1st-level data cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65118, "1st-level data cache: 32 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65119, "Trace cache: 12 K-Ops, 8-way set associative" 65120, "1st level instruction cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65121, "1st level data cache: 8 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65122, "Instruction TLB: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 4 entries" 65123, "1st level data cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65124, "3rd level cache: 512 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector" 65125, "3rd level cache: 1 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector" 65126, "3rd level cache: 2 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector" 65127, "3rd level cache: 4 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector" 65128, "1st level data cache: 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65129, "1st level instruction cache: 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size" 65130, "No 2nd-level cache or, if processor contains a valid 2nd-level cache, no 3rd-level cache" 65131, "2nd-level cache: 128 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65132, "2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65133, "2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65134, "2nd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65135, "2nd-level cache: 2 MBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65136, "Invalid Comment: Unexpected end of data" 65137, "Invalid CDATA: expected \"%0:s\" but found \"%1:s\"" 65138, "Invalid CDATA: Unexpected end of data" 65139, "Invalid Header: expected \"%0:s\" but found \"%1:s\"" 65140, "Invalid Stylesheet: expected \"%0:s\" but found \"%1:s\"" 65141, "Invalid Stylesheet: Unexpected end of data" 65142, "Invalid Document: Unexpected text in file prolog" 65143, "Search string cannot be blank" 65144, "Failed to create mutex" 65145, "Null descriptor" 65146, "Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries" 65147, "Instruction TLB: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 2 entries" 65148, "Data TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries" 65149, "Data TLB: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 8 entries" 65150, "Data TLB1: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries" 65151, "1st level instruction cache: 8 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size" 65152, "Parameter count: " 65153, "Return type: " 65154, "Max length: " 65155, "Element size: " 65156, "Element type: " 65157, "Elements need clean up: " 65158, "Variant type: " 65159, "// Declaration for '%s' not supported." 65160, "Invalid XML Element: Unexpected character in property declaration (\"%s\" found)" 65161, "Invalid XML Element: Unexpected character in property declaration. Expecting \" or ' but \"%s\" found" 65162, "Invalid XML Element: Expected beginning of tag but \"%s\" found" 65163, "Invalid XML Element: Expected end of tag but \"%s\" found" 65164, "Invalid XML Element: malformed tag found (no valid name)" 65165, "Invalid XML Element: Erroneous end of tag, expecting but found" 65166, "Invalid Comment: expected \"%0:s\" but found \"%1:s\"" 65167, "Invalid Comment: \"--\" not allowed inside comments" 65168, "Name: " 65169, "Type: " 65170, "Flags: " 65171, "GUID: " 65172, "Type kind: " 65173, "Ordinal type: " 65174, "Min value: " 65175, "Max value: " 65176, "Names: " 65177, "Class name: " 65178, "Parent: " 65179, "Property count: " 65180, "Unit name: " 65181, "Based on: " 65182, "Float type: " 65183, "Method kind: " 65184, "const " 65185, "array of " 65186, "out " 65187, "ordinal=" 65188, "True" 65189, "False" 65190, "???" 65191, "Type info: %p" 65192, "read" 65193, "write" 65194, "stored" 65195, "field" 65196, "static method" 65197, "virtual method" 65198, "index" 65199, "default" 65200, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" 65201, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" 65202, "HKEY_USERS" 65203, "HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA" 65204, "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" 65205, "HKEY_DYN_DATA" 65206, "HKCR" 65207, "HKCU" 65208, "HKLM" 65209, "HKUS" 65210, "HKPD" 65211, "HKCC" 65212, "HKDD" 65213, "Value out of range (%s)." 65214, "Unknown identifier '%s'." 65215, "var " 65216, "File contains no version information" 65217, "Failed to create FileMapping" 65218, "Failed to create FileMappingView" 65219, "Failed to obtain size of file" 65220, "Stream is read-only" 65221, "Cannot open file \"%s\"" 65222, "This is not a PE format" 65223, "Unknown PE target" 65224, "Not a resource directory" 65225, "Section \"%s\" not found" 65226, "Unable to open key \"%s\\%s\" for read" 65227, "Unable to open key \"%s\\%s\" for write" 65228, "Unable to open key \"%s\\%s\" and access value \"%s\"" 65229, "\"%s\\%s\\%s\" is of wrong kind or size" 65230, "\"%s\" does not match RootKey" 65231, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" 65232, "List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)" 65233, "Multiselect mode must be on for this feature" 65234, "Separator" 65235, "Error setting %s.Count" 65236, "Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count" 65237, "\"%s\" is an invalid path" 65238, "ANSI" 65239, "ASCII" 65240, "Unicode" 65241, "Big Endian Unicode" 65242, "UTF-8" 65243, "UTF-7" 65244, "PageControl must first be assigned" 65245, "%s requires Windows Vista or later" 65246, "Win32: %s (%u)" 65247, "Unknown function at %s" 65248, "Clipboard does not support Icons" 65249, "Nie mogę otworzyć schowka" 65250, "Domyślny" 65251, "Text exceeds memo capacity" 65252, "Operation not supported on selected printer" 65253, "There is no default printer currently selected" 65254, "Unable to write to %s" 65255, "Menu '%s' is already being used by another form" 65256, "Obraz:" 65257, " (%dx%d)" 65258, "Podgląd" 65259, "Docked control must have a name" 65260, "Error removing control from dock tree" 65261, " - Dock zone not found" 65262, " - Dock zone has no control" 65263, "Error loading dock zone from the stream. Expecting version %d, but found %d." 65264, "Del" 65265, "Shift+" 65266, "Ctrl+" 65267, "Alt+" 65268, "(None)" 65269, "Value must be between %d and %d" 65270, "All" 65271, "Unable to insert a line" 65272, "The specified directory does not exist. Create it?" 65273, "Select Directory" 65274, "Directory &Name:" 65275, "Napęd:" 65276, "Katalog:" 65277, "Plik: (*.*)" 65278, "Ne&twork..." 65279, "Invalid clipboard format" 65280, "N&o to All" 65281, "Yes to &All" 65282, "BkSp" 65283, "Tab" 65284, "Esc" 65285, "Enter" 65286, "Space" 65287, "PgUp" 65288, "PgDn" 65289, "End" 65290, "Home" 65291, "Left" 65292, "Up" 65293, "Right" 65294, "Down" 65295, "Ins" 65296, "Bitmapa" 65297, "Invalid input value" 65298, "Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes" 65299, "Uwaga" 65300, "Błąd" 65301, "Informacja" 65302, "Potwierdź" 65303, "Tak" 65304, "Nie" 65305, "OK" 65306, "Anuluj" 65307, "Pomoc" 65308, "Przerwij" 65309, "Ponów" 65310, "Ignoruj" 65311, "Wszystko" 65312, "Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap" 65313, "A control cannot have itself as its parent" 65314, "OK" 65315, "Anuluj" 65316, "Tak" 65317, "Nie" 65318, "Pomoc" 65319, "Zamknij" 65320, "Ignoruj" 65321, "Ponów" 65322, "Przerwij" 65323, "Wszystko" 65324, "Cannot drag a form" 65325, "Metafiles" 65326, "Enhanced Metafiles" 65327, "Icons" 65328, "Parent given is not a parent of '%s'" 65329, "Cannot hide an MDI Child Form" 65330, "Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide" 65331, "Cannot make a visible window modal" 65332, "Scrollbar property out of range" 65333, "%s property out of range" 65334, "Menu index out of range" 65335, "Menu inserted twice" 65336, "Sub-menu is not in menu" 65337, "Not enough timers available" 65338, "Printer is not currently printing" 65339, "Printing in progress" 65340, "Printer selected is not valid" 65341, "%s on %s" 65342, "GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex" 65343, "Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active" 65344, "Cannot change the size of an icon" 65345, "Invalid operation on TOleGraphic" 65346, "Unknown picture file extension (.%s)" 65347, "Unsupported clipboard format" 65348, "Out of system resources" 65349, "Canvas does not allow drawing" 65350, "Niewłaściwy rozmiar obrazu" 65351, "Niewłaściwa lista obrazów" 65352, "Unable to Replace Image" 65353, "Invalid ImageList Index" 65354, "Failed to read ImageList data from stream" 65355, "Failed to write ImageList data to stream" 65356, "Error creating window device context" 65357, "Błąd tworzenia okna klas" 65358, "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" 65359, "Control '%s' has no parent window" 65360, "Stream write error" 65361, "Thread creation error: %s" 65362, "Thread Error: %s (%d)" 65363, "Unable to find a Table of Contents" 65364, "No help found for %s" 65365, "No context-sensitive help installed" 65366, "No help found for context" 65367, "No topic-based help system installed" 65368, "Tab position incompatible with current tab style" 65369, "Tab style incompatible with current tab position" 65370, "Bitmap image is not valid" 65371, "Icon image is not valid" 65372, "Metafile is not valid" 65373, "Invalid pixel format" 65374, "Niewłaściwy obraz" 65375, "Scan line index out of range" 65376, "Number expected" 65377, "%s on line %d" 65378, "Error reading %s%s%s: %s" 65379, "Stream read error" 65380, "Property is read-only" 65381, "Failed to create key %s" 65382, "Failed to get data for '%s'" 65383, "Failed to set data for '%s'" 65384, "Resource %s not found" 65385, "%s.Seek not implemented" 65386, "Operation not allowed on sorted list" 65387, "String expected" 65388, "%s expected" 65389, "Too many rows or columns deleted" 65390, "%s not in a class registration group" 65391, "Property %s does not exist" 65392, "Niewłaściwa nazwa pliku - %s" 65393, "Invalid stream format" 65394, "''%s'' is not a valid component name" 65395, "Invalid property value" 65396, "Invalid property element: %s" 65397, "Invalid property path" 65398, "Invalid property type: %s" 65399, "Invalid property value" 65400, "Invalid data type for '%s'" 65401, "Invalid string constant" 65402, "Cannot insert or delete rows from grid" 65403, "Line too long" 65404, "List capacity out of bounds (%d)" 65405, "List count out of bounds (%d)" 65406, "List index out of bounds (%d)" 65407, "Out of memory while expanding memory stream" 65408, "''%s'' expected" 65409, "CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread" 65410, "Class %s not found" 65411, "A class named %s already exists" 65412, "List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)" 65413, "A component named %s already exists" 65414, "String list does not allow duplicates" 65415, "Cannot create file \"%s\". %s" 65416, "Fixed column count must be less than column count" 65417, "Fixed row count must be less than row count" 65418, "Cannot open file \"%s\". %s" 65419, "Grid too large for operation" 65420, "Identifier expected" 65421, "Grid index out of range" 65422, "Unable to write to %s" 65423, "Invalid binary value" 65424, "Thu" 65425, "Fri" 65426, "Sat" 65427, "Sunday" 65428, "Monday" 65429, "Tuesday" 65430, "Wednesday" 65431, "Thursday" 65432, "Friday" 65433, "Saturday" 65434, "Unable to create directory" 65435, "Ancestor for '%s' not found" 65436, "Cannot assign a %s to a %s" 65437, "Bits index out of range" 65438, "List is locked during an active ForEach" 65439, "Can't write to a read-only resource stream" 65440, "January" 65441, "February" 65442, "March" 65443, "April" 65444, "May" 65445, "June" 65446, "July" 65447, "August" 65448, "September" 65449, "October" 65450, "November" 65451, "December" 65452, "Sun" 65453, "Mon" 65454, "Tue" 65455, "Wed" 65456, "Abstract Error" 65457, "Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p" 65458, "System Error. Code: %d.\r\n%s" 65459, "A call to an OS function failed" 65460, "Jan" 65461, "Feb" 65462, "Mar" 65463, "Apr" 65464, "May" 65465, "Jun" 65466, "Jul" 65467, "Aug" 65468, "Sep" 65469, "Oct" 65470, "Nov" 65471, "Dec" 65472, "Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range" 65473, "Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s" 65474, "Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable" 65475, "Too many custom variant types have been registered" 65476, "Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)" 65477, "Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)" 65478, "Variant overflow" 65479, "Invalid argument" 65480, "Invalid variant type" 65481, "Operation not supported" 65482, "Unexpected variant error" 65483, "External exception %x" 65484, "Assertion failed" 65485, "Interface not supported" 65486, "Exception in safecall method" 65487, "%s (%s, line %d)" 65488, "Operacja przerwana" 65489, "Exception %s in module %s at %p.\r\n%s%s\r\n" 65490, "Błąd aplikacji" 65491, "Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument" 65492, "No argument for format '%s'" 65493, "Variant method calls not supported" 65494, "Odczyt" 65495, "Zapisz" 65496, "Format string too long" 65497, "Error creating variant or safe array" 65498, "Variant or safe array index out of bounds" 65499, "Variant or safe array is locked" 65500, "Invalid variant type conversion" 65501, "Invalid variant operation" 65502, "Invalid NULL variant operation" 65503, "Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s" 65504, "Pełny dysk" 65505, "Invalid numeric input" 65506, "Division by zero" 65507, "Range check error" 65508, "Integer overflow" 65509, "Invalid floating point operation" 65510, "Floating point division by zero" 65511, "Floating point overflow" 65512, "Floating point underflow" 65513, "Invalid pointer operation" 65514, "Invalid class typecast" 65515, "Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p" 65516, "Access violation" 65517, "Stack overflow" 65518, "Control-C hit" 65519, "Privileged instruction" 65520, "'%s' is not a valid integer value" 65521, "'%s' is not a valid floating point value" 65522, "'%s' is not a valid date" 65523, "'%s' is not a valid time" 65524, "'%s' is not a valid date and time" 65525, "'%s' is not a valid GUID value" 65526, "'%s' is not a valid boolean value" 65527, "Invalid argument to time encode" 65528, "Invalid argument to date encode" 65529, "Brak pamięci" 65530, "Błąd wejścia wyjścia I/O %d" 65531, "Plik nie znaleziony" 65532, "Niewłaściwa nazwa pliku" 65533, "Too many open files" 65534, "File access denied" 65535, "Read beyond end of file" }