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Kojarzycie jakieś gotowce na ESP8266 (mam Wemos d1 mini konkretnie) by miało już webserver, formularze do konfiguracji (wifi, etc), możliwość wgrania nowego firmware OTA? To brzmi jak taki standardowy pakiet, ale szperałem za szablonami i znalazłem tylko takie coś ale to nie do końca to. Nie chciałem wyważać otwartych drzwi. Obecnie mam wgraną Tasmotę*, ale ona ma pewne minusy i chciałem zastąpić swoim softem, ale nie chce mi się klepać tych generycznych rzeczy.. obstawiam, że ktoś mógł już to zrobić 🙂 * konkretnie to ESP robi za bramkę między licznikiem energii, a RPi i po MQTT raportuje impulsy.. jednak info o liczbie impulsów i czasie pomiędzy 2 ostatnimi umie wysyłać nie częściej niż raz na 10s, a chciałbym po każdym impulsie, bo obecny sposób i zapis tego w InfluxDB dość mocno utrudnia rysowanie sensownych danych w Grafanie.
- 11 odpowiedzi
- ESP8266
- Wemos d1 mini
(i 2 więcej)
Chciałem wgrać na moje ESP8266 McLighting, niestety po wgraniu go na płytkę wyskakuję: 15:02:51.418 -> FS Usage: 0/957314 bytes 15:02:51.418 -> 15:02:51.465 -> Couldn't find config.json 15:02:51.465 -> Coudnt find config.json 15:02:51.465 -> WiFiManager config FS Read failure! 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: Adding parameter 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: host 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: Adding parameter 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: port 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: Adding parameter 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: user 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: Adding parameter 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: pass 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: Adding parameter 15:02:51.465 -> *WM: strip_size 15:02:51.512 -> *WM: Adding parameter 15:02:51.512 -> *WM: led_pin 15:02:51.512 -> *WM: 15:02:51.512 -> *WM: AutoConnect 15:02:51.512 -> *WM: Connecting as wifi client... 15:02:51.512 -> *WM: Using last saved values, should be faster 15:02:51.512 -> *WM: Connection result: 15:02:51.512 -> *WM: 0 15:02:51.512 -> Entered config mode 15:02:51.512 -> 15:02:51.512 -> McLighting01 15:02:51.512 -> 15:02:51.512 -> Exception (28): 15:02:51.512 -> epc1=0x40220292 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000007 depc=0x00000000 15:02:51.512 -> 15:02:51.512 -> ctx: cont 15:02:51.512 -> sp: 3ffffb70 end: 3fffffd0 offset: 01a0 15:02:51.512 -> 15:02:51.512 -> >>>stack>>> 15:02:51.512 -> 3ffffd10: 00000010 00000010 00000000 40100575 15:02:51.512 -> 3ffffd20: 00190001 00000000 00000000 3ffffdb0 15:02:51.512 -> 3ffffd30: 3fff19b0 0000000a 00000003 3ffe8f10 15:02:51.559 -> 3ffffd40: 40104d40 0001bbe0 3fff34ac 00000000 15:02:51.559 -> 3ffffd50: 3fff08f0 3fff34ac 3fff19b0 40222c1c 15:02:51.559 -> 3ffffd60: 00000001 0000c7bc 40222530 3fff0f84 15:02:51.559 -> 3ffffd70: 00000001 000000c8 00000000 401006dc 15:02:51.559 -> 3ffffd80: 40207c70 3ffffe60 3fff19b0 3ffe8f10 15:02:51.559 -> 3ffffd90: 00000000 3ffffe60 00000001 40220334 15:02:51.559 -> 3ffffda0: 00000000 3ffffe60 3fff19b0 40208a53 15:02:51.559 -> 3ffffdb0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffe8f10 15:02:51.606 -> 3ffffdc0: 00000000 3fff17e0 3ffffe60 40218e0a 15:02:51.606 -> 3ffffdd0: 3fff1988 0000045e 0000045e 4010020c 15:02:51.606 -> 3ffffde0: 00000000 3ffe8f10 3ffffe2c 401006dc 15:02:51.606 -> 3ffffdf0: 00000000 3ffe8f10 3ffffe20 40223c28 15:02:51.606 -> 3ffffe00: 3ffe8f88 4028c438 3ffffe60 00000000 15:02:51.606 -> 3ffffe10: 00000000 3ffe8f10 3ffffe60 40218f69 15:02:51.653 -> 3ffffe20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 15:02:51.653 -> 3ffffe30: 00000000 00000000 3ffe8f10 3ffe853c 15:02:51.653 -> 3ffffe40: 40211cc4 3ffe8f10 3ffffe60 3fff0f48 15:02:51.653 -> 3ffffe50: 3ffe853c 3ffe8f10 3fff19b0 40210bb4 15:02:51.653 -> 3ffffe60: 00000000 00000000 3ffe8f10 00000000 15:02:51.653 -> 3ffffe70: 3fff423c 0000000f 00000000 3fff4254 15:02:51.653 -> 3ffffe80: 0000000f 00000000 00000000 00000000 15:02:51.653 -> 3ffffe90: 00000000 40227010 00000000 40227010 15:02:51.700 -> 3ffffea0: 00000000 40227010 00000000 40227010 15:02:51.700 -> 3ffffeb0: 00000000 40227010 00000000 40227010 15:02:51.700 -> 3ffffec0: 00000000 00000006 ffffffff fe000001 15:02:51.700 -> 3ffffed0: 3ffe8f88 00000000 fe01ef35 402089f4 15:02:51.700 -> 3ffffee0: 40207ca0 0000000a 3fff426c 3ffe9fb8 15:02:51.700 -> 3ffffef0: 3ffe9fc0 3fff2614 00000002 3ffe8f88 15:02:51.747 -> 3fffff00: 3ffe9f9c 3ffe9fa8 3fff422c 00000005 15:02:51.747 -> 3fffff10: 3ffe8f88 3ffe9f64 3ffe9f6c 3fff4204 15:02:51.747 -> 3fffff20: 00000020 3ffe9f78 3ffe9f40 3ffe9f48 15:02:51.747 -> 3fffff30: 3fff41dc 00000020 3ffe9f54 3ffe9f2c 15:02:51.747 -> 3fffff40: 3ffe9f34 3fff41cc 00000006 3ffe8f88 15:02:51.747 -> 3fffff50: 3ffe9f14 3ffe9f1c 3fff4184 00000040 15:02:51.747 -> 3fffff60: 3ffe8f88 feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe 15:02:51.795 -> 3fffff70: feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe 15:02:51.795 -> 3fffff80: feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe 15:02:51.795 -> 3fffff90: feefeffe 3fff0f4c feefeffe feefeffe 15:02:51.795 -> 3fffffa0: feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe 3fff1a88 15:02:51.795 -> 3fffffb0: 3fffdad0 00000000 3fff1a82 40224978 15:02:51.795 -> 3fffffc0: feefeffe feefeffe 3ffe87a8 40100739 15:02:51.795 -> <<<stack<<< 15:02:51.841 -> 15:02:51.841 -> ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(1,6) 15:02:51.841 -> 15:02:59.873 -> 15:02:59.873 -> ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(1,6) 15:02:59.873 -> 15:02:59.873 -> wdt reset Zdaje sobie sprawę że jest wiele poradników na internecie w tym temacie, ale żaden nie przyniósł dla mnie oczekiwanego efektu, oraz niezbyt wiem jak się do tego zabrać. Na forum znalazłem 2/3 podobne tematy ale również nic konkretnego z nich nie wyczytałem co mogłoby mi w stanie pomóc. Flashowałem ESP8266 kilkukrotnie, ale nic się nie zmieniło. Posiadam też klona Arduino Mega z ESP8266 na którym wcześniej wszystko działało poza pinami. Po kupnie Wemos D1 mini i wgraniu na nim szkicu ten sam problem pojawił się na obu płytkach. Na innym komputerze problem również się powtarza. Ktoś wie czego mogłaby być to wina? Kod mclighting: #include "definitions.h" #include "version.h" // *************************************************************************** // Load libraries for: WebServer / WiFiManager / WebSockets // *************************************************************************** #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // // needed for library WiFiManager #include <DNSServer.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #include <WiFiManager.h> // #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <ESP8266mDNS.h> #include <FS.h> #include <EEPROM.h> #include <WebSockets.h> // #include <WebSocketsServer.h> // OTA #ifdef ENABLE_OTA #include <WiFiUdp.h> #include <ArduinoOTA.h> #endif //SPIFFS Save #if !defined(ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT) and defined(ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS) #include <ArduinoJson.h> // #endif // MQTT #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT #include <PubSubClient.h> #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT #include <ArduinoJson.h> // #endif WiFiClient espClient; PubSubClient mqtt_client(espClient); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT #include <AsyncMqttClient.h> // // #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT #include <ArduinoJson.h> #endif AsyncMqttClient amqttClient; WiFiEventHandler wifiConnectHandler; WiFiEventHandler wifiDisconnectHandler; #endif #ifdef ARDUINOJSON_VERSION #if !(ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR == 6 and ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MINOR >= 8) #error "Install ArduinoJson v6.8.0-beta or higher" #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_E131 #include <ESPAsyncUDP.h> // #include <ESPAsyncE131.h> // ESPAsyncE131 e131(END_UNIVERSE - START_UNIVERSE + 1); #endif #ifdef USE_HTML_MIN_GZ #include "html_gz.h" #endif // *************************************************************************** // Instanciate HTTP(80) / WebSockets(81) Server // *************************************************************************** ESP8266WebServer server(80); WebSocketsServer webSocket = WebSocketsServer(81); #ifdef HTTP_OTA #include <ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.h> ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater; #endif // *************************************************************************** // Load libraries / Instanciate WS2812FX library // *************************************************************************** // #include <WS2812FX.h> // WS2812FX strip = WS2812FX(NUMLEDS, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); WS2812FX* strip; #if defined(USE_WS2812FX_DMA) or defined(USE_WS2812FX_UART1) or defined(USE_WS2812FX_UART2) #include <NeoPixelBus.h> #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_DMA // Uses GPIO3/RXD0/RX, more info: #ifndef LED_TYPE_WS2811 NeoEsp8266Dma800KbpsMethod* dma; //800 KHz bitstream (most NeoPixel products w/WS2812 LEDs) #else NeoEsp8266Dma400KbpsMethod* dma; //400 KHz (classic 'v1' (not v2) FLORA pixels, WS2811 drivers) #endif #endif #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_UART1 // Uses UART1: GPIO1/TXD0/TX, more info: #ifndef LED_TYPE_WS2811 NeoEsp8266Uart1800KbpsMethod* dma; //800 KHz bitstream (most NeoPixel products w/WS2812 LEDs) #else NeoEsp8266Uart1400KbpsMethod* dma; //400 KHz (classic 'v1' (not v2) FLORA pixels, WS2811 drivers) #endif #endif #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_UART2 // Uses UART2: GPIO2/TXD1/D4, more info: #ifndef LED_TYPE_WS2811 NeoEsp8266Uart0800KbpsMethod* dma; //800 KHz bitstream (most NeoPixel products w/WS2812 LEDs) #else NeoEsp8266Uart0400KbpsMethod* dma; //400 KHz (classic 'v1' (not v2) FLORA pixels, WS2811 drivers) #endif #endif void initDMA(uint16_t stripSize = NUMLEDS){ if (dma) delete dma; #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_DMA // Uses GPIO3/RXD0/RX, more info: #ifndef LED_TYPE_WS2811 dma = new NeoEsp8266Dma800KbpsMethod(stripSize, 3); //800 KHz bitstream (most NeoPixel products w/WS2812 LEDs) #else dma = new NeoEsp8266Dma400KbpsMethod(stripSize, 3); //400 KHz (classic 'v1' (not v2) FLORA pixels, WS2811 drivers) #endif #endif #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_UART1 // Uses UART1: GPIO1/TXD0/TX, more info: #ifndef LED_TYPE_WS2811 dma = new NeoEsp8266Uart1800KbpsMethod(stripSize, 3); //800 KHz bitstream (most NeoPixel products w/WS2812 LEDs) #else dma = new NeoEsp8266Uart1400KbpsMethod(stripSize, 3); //400 KHz (classic 'v1' (not v2) FLORA pixels, WS2811 drivers) #endif #endif #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_UART2 // Uses UART2: GPIO2/TXD1/D4, more info: #ifndef LED_TYPE_WS2811 dma = new NeoEsp8266Uart0800KbpsMethod(stripSize, 3); //800 KHz bitstream (most NeoPixel products w/WS2812 LEDs) #else dma = new NeoEsp8266Uart0400KbpsMethod(stripSize, 3); //400 KHz (classic 'v1' (not v2) FLORA pixels, WS2811 drivers) #endif #endif dma->Initialize(); } void DMA_Show(void) { if(dma->IsReadyToUpdate()) { memcpy(dma->getPixels(), strip->getPixels(), dma->getPixelsSize()); dma->Update(); } } #endif // *************************************************************************** // Load library "ticker" for blinking status led // *************************************************************************** #include <Ticker.h> Ticker ticker; #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT Ticker ha_send_data; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT Ticker mqttReconnectTimer; Ticker wifiReconnectTimer; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS Ticker spiffs_save_state; #endif void tick() { //toggle state int state = digitalRead(BUILTIN_LED); // get the current state of GPIO1 pin digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, !state); // set pin to the opposite state } #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_EEPROM // *************************************************************************** // EEPROM helper // *************************************************************************** String readEEPROM(int offset, int len) { String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { res += char( + offset)); //DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(char( + offset))); } DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("readEEPROM(): %s\n", res.c_str()); return res; } void writeEEPROM(int offset, int len, String value) { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("writeEEPROM(): %s\n", value.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (i < value.length()) { EEPROM.write(i + offset, value[i]); } else { EEPROM.write(i + offset, NULL); } } } #endif // *************************************************************************** // Saved state handling // *************************************************************************** // String getValue(String data, char separator, int index) { int found = 0; int strIndex[] = {0, -1}; int maxIndex = data.length()-1; for(int i=0; i<=maxIndex && found<=index; i++){ if(data.charAt(i)==separator || i==maxIndex){ found++; strIndex[0] = strIndex[1]+1; strIndex[1] = (i == maxIndex) ? i+1 : i; } } return found>index ? data.substring(strIndex[0], strIndex[1]) : ""; } // *************************************************************************** // Callback for WiFiManager library when config mode is entered // *************************************************************************** //gets called when WiFiManager enters configuration mode void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Entered config mode"); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); //if you used auto generated SSID, print it DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()); //entered config mode, make led toggle faster ticker.attach(0.2, tick); uint16_t i; for (i = 0; i < strip->numPixels(); i++) { strip->setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 255); } strip->show(); } //callback notifying us of the need to save config void saveConfigCallback () { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Should save config"); shouldSaveConfig = true; } // *************************************************************************** // Include: Webserver // *************************************************************************** #include "spiffs_webserver.h" // *************************************************************************** // Include: Request handlers // *************************************************************************** #include "request_handlers.h" #ifdef CUSTOM_WS2812FX_ANIMATIONS #include "custom_ws2812fx_animations.h" // Add animations in this file #endif // function to Initialize the strip void initStrip(uint16_t stripSize = WS2812FXStripSettings.stripSize, neoPixelType RGBOrder = WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder, uint8_t pin ={ if (strip) { delete strip; WS2812FXStripSettings.stripSize = stripSize; WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder = RGBOrder; = pin; } #ifndef LED_TYPE_WS2811 strip = new WS2812FX(stripSize, pin, RGBOrder + NEO_KHZ800); #else strip = new WS2812FX(stripSize, pin, RGBOrder + NEO_KHZ400); #endif // Parameter 1 = number of pixels in strip // Parameter 2 = Arduino pin number (most are valid) // Parameter 3 = pixel type flags, add together as needed: // NEO_KHZ800 800 KHz bitstream (most NeoPixel products w/WS2812 LEDs) // NEO_KHZ400 400 KHz (classic 'v1' (not v2) FLORA pixels, WS2811 drivers) // NEO_GRB Pixels are wired for GRB bitstream (most NeoPixel products) // NEO_RGB Pixels are wired for RGB bitstream (v1 FLORA pixels, not v2) // IMPORTANT: To reduce NeoPixel burnout risk, add 1000 uF capacitor across // pixel power leads, add 300 - 500 Ohm resistor on first pixel's data input // and minimize distance between Arduino and first pixel. Avoid connecting // on a live circuit...if you must, connect GND first. strip->init(); #if defined(USE_WS2812FX_DMA) or defined(USE_WS2812FX_UART1) or defined(USE_WS2812FX_UART2) initDMA(stripSize); strip->setCustomShow(DMA_Show); #endif strip->setBrightness(brightness); strip->setSpeed(convertSpeed(ws2812fx_speed)); //strip->setMode(ws2812fx_mode); strip->setColor(,,; strip->setOptions(0, GAMMA); // We only have one WS2812FX segment, set color to human readable GAMMA correction #ifdef CUSTOM_WS2812FX_ANIMATIONS strip->setCustomMode(0, F("Fire 2012"), myCustomEffect); #endif strip->start(); if(mode != HOLD) mode = SET_MODE; saveWS2812FXStripSettings.once(3, writeStripConfigFS); } // *************************************************************************** // Include: Color modes // *************************************************************************** #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS #include "colormodes.h" #endif // *************************************************************************** // MAIN // *************************************************************************** void setup() { // system_update_cpu_freq(160); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.begin(115200); EEPROM.begin(512); // set builtin led pin as output pinMode(BUILTIN_LED, OUTPUT); // button pin setup #ifdef ENABLE_BUTTON pinMode(BUTTON,INPUT_PULLUP); #endif // start ticker with 0.5 because we start in AP mode and try to connect ticker.attach(0.5, tick); // *************************************************************************** // Setup: SPIFFS // *************************************************************************** SPIFFS.begin(); { Dir dir = SPIFFS.openDir("/"); while ( { String fileName = dir.fileName(); size_t fileSize = dir.fileSize(); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("FS File: %s, size: %s\n", fileName.c_str(), formatBytes(fileSize).c_str()); } FSInfo fs_info;; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("FS Usage: %d/%d bytes\n\n", fs_info.usedBytes, fs_info.totalBytes); } wifi_station_set_hostname(const_cast<char*>(HOSTNAME)); // *************************************************************************** // Setup: Neopixel // *************************************************************************** readStripConfigFS(); // Read config from FS first initStrip(); // *************************************************************************** // Setup: WiFiManager // *************************************************************************** // The extra parameters to be configured (can be either global or just in the setup) // After connecting, parameter.getValue() will get you the configured value // id/name placeholder/prompt default length #if defined(ENABLE_MQTT) or defined(ENABLE_AMQTT) #if defined(ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS) and (defined(ENABLE_MQTT) or defined(ENABLE_AMQTT)) (readConfigFS()) ? DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("WiFiManager config FS Read success!"): DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("WiFiManager config FS Read failure!"); #else String settings_available = readEEPROM(134, 1); if (settings_available == "1") { readEEPROM(0, 64).toCharArray(mqtt_host, 64); // 0-63 readEEPROM(64, 6).toCharArray(mqtt_port, 6); // 64-69 readEEPROM(70, 32).toCharArray(mqtt_user, 32); // 70-101 readEEPROM(102, 32).toCharArray(mqtt_pass, 32); // 102-133 DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("MQTT host: %s\n", mqtt_host); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("MQTT port: %s\n", mqtt_port); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("MQTT user: %s\n", mqtt_user); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("MQTT pass: %s\n", mqtt_pass); } #endif WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_host("host", "MQTT hostname", mqtt_host, 64); WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_port("port", "MQTT port", mqtt_port, 6); WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_user("user", "MQTT user", mqtt_user, 32, " maxlength=31"); WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_pass("pass", "MQTT pass", mqtt_pass, 32, " maxlength=31 type='password'"); #endif sprintf(strip_size, "%d", WS2812FXStripSettings.stripSize); sprintf(led_pin, "%d",; WiFiManagerParameter custom_strip_size("strip_size", "Number of LEDs", strip_size, 5); WiFiManagerParameter custom_led_pin("led_pin", "LED GPIO", led_pin, 2); //Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around WiFiManager wifiManager; //reset settings - for testing //wifiManager.resetSettings(); //set callback that gets called when connecting to previous WiFi fails, and enters Access Point mode wifiManager.setAPCallback(configModeCallback); //set config save notify callback wifiManager.setSaveConfigCallback(saveConfigCallback); #if defined(ENABLE_MQTT) or defined(ENABLE_AMQTT) //add all your parameters here wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_mqtt_host); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_mqtt_port); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_mqtt_user); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_mqtt_pass); #endif wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_strip_size); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_led_pin); WiFi.setSleepMode(WIFI_NONE_SLEEP); // Uncomment if you want to restart ESP8266 if it cannot connect to WiFi. // Value in brackets is in seconds that WiFiManger waits until restart #ifdef WIFIMGR_PORTAL_TIMEOUT wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(WIFIMGR_PORTAL_TIMEOUT); #endif // Uncomment if you want to set static IP // Order is: IP, Gateway and Subnet #ifdef WIFIMGR_SET_MANUAL_IP wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(_ip[0], _ip[1], _ip[2], _ip[3]), IPAddress(_gw[0], _gw[1], _gw[2], _gw[3]), IPAddress(_sn[0], _sn[1], _sn[2], _sn[3])); #endif //fetches ssid and pass and tries to connect //if it does not connect it starts an access point with the specified name //here "AutoConnectAP" //and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration if (!wifiManager.autoConnect(HOSTNAME)) { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); //reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep ESP.reset(); //Will be removed when upgrading to standalone offline McLightingUI version delay(1000); //Will be removed when upgrading to standalone offline McLightingUI version } #if defined(ENABLE_MQTT) or defined(ENABLE_AMQTT) //read updated parameters strcpy(mqtt_host, custom_mqtt_host.getValue()); strcpy(mqtt_port, custom_mqtt_port.getValue()); strcpy(mqtt_user, custom_mqtt_user.getValue()); strcpy(mqtt_pass, custom_mqtt_pass.getValue()); //save the custom parameters to FS #if defined(ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS) and (defined(ENABLE_MQTT) or defined(ENABLE_AMQTT)) (writeConfigFS(shouldSaveConfig)) ? DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("WiFiManager config FS Save success!"): DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("WiFiManager config FS Save failure!"); #else if defined(ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_EEPROM) if (shouldSaveConfig) { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Saving WiFiManager config"); writeEEPROM(0, 64, mqtt_host); // 0-63 writeEEPROM(64, 6, mqtt_port); // 64-69 writeEEPROM(70, 32, mqtt_user); // 70-101 writeEEPROM(102, 32, mqtt_pass); // 102-133 writeEEPROM(134, 1, "1"); // 134 --> always "1" EEPROM.commit(); } #endif #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT wifiConnectHandler = WiFi.onStationModeGotIP(onWifiConnect); wifiDisconnectHandler = WiFi.onStationModeDisconnected(onWifiDisconnect); #endif strcpy(strip_size, custom_strip_size.getValue()); strcpy(led_pin, custom_led_pin.getValue()); if(atoi(strip_size) != WS2812FXStripSettings.stripSize) WS2812FXStripSettings.stripSize = atoi(strip_size); uint8_t pin = atoi(led_pin); if ((pin == 16 or pin == 5 or pin == 4 or pin == 0 or pin == 2 or pin == 14 or pin == 12 or pin == 13 or pin == 15 or pin == 3 or pin == 1) and (pin != ) = pin; initStrip(); //if you get here you have connected to the WiFi DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("connected...yeey :)"); ticker.detach(); //keep LED on digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW); // *************************************************************************** // Configure OTA // *************************************************************************** #ifdef ENABLE_OTA DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Arduino OTA activated."); // Port defaults to 8266 ArduinoOTA.setPort(8266); // Hostname defaults to esp8266-[ChipID] ArduinoOTA.setHostname(HOSTNAME); // No authentication by default // ArduinoOTA.setPassword("admin"); // Password can be set with it's md5 value as well // MD5(admin) = 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 // ArduinoOTA.setPasswordHash("21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3"); ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Arduino OTA: Start updating"); }); ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Arduino OTA: End"); }); ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("Arduino OTA Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100))); }); ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("Arduino OTA Error[%u]: ", error); if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Arduino OTA: Auth Failed"); else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Arduino OTA: Begin Failed"); else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Arduino OTA: Connect Failed"); else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Arduino OTA: Receive Failed"); else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("Arduino OTA: End Failed"); }); ArduinoOTA.begin(); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(""); #endif // *************************************************************************** // Configure MQTT // *************************************************************************** #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT_HOSTNAME_CHIPID snprintf(mqtt_clientid, 64, "%s-%08X", HOSTNAME, ESP.getChipId()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT if (mqtt_host != "" && atoi(mqtt_port) > 0) { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("MQTT active: %s:%d\n", mqtt_host, String(mqtt_port).toInt()); mqtt_client.setServer(mqtt_host, atoi(mqtt_port)); mqtt_client.setCallback(mqtt_callback); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT if (mqtt_host != "" && atoi(mqtt_port) > 0) { amqttClient.onConnect(onMqttConnect); amqttClient.onDisconnect(onMqttDisconnect); amqttClient.onMessage(onMqttMessage); amqttClient.setServer(mqtt_host, atoi(mqtt_port)); if (mqtt_user != "" or mqtt_pass != "") amqttClient.setCredentials(mqtt_user, mqtt_pass); amqttClient.setClientId(mqtt_clientid); amqttClient.setWill(mqtt_will_topic, 2, true, mqtt_will_payload, 0); connectToMqtt(); } #endif // #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT // ha_send_data.attach(5, tickerSendState); // Send HA data back only every 5 sec // #endif // *************************************************************************** // Setup: MDNS responder // *************************************************************************** bool mdns_result = MDNS.begin(HOSTNAME); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("Open http://"); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print(WiFi.localIP()); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("/ to open McLighting."); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("Use http://"); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print(HOSTNAME); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(".local/ when you have Bonjour installed."); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("New users: Open http://"); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print(WiFi.localIP()); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("/upload to upload the webpages first."); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(""); // *************************************************************************** // Setup: WebSocket server // *************************************************************************** webSocket.begin(); webSocket.onEvent(webSocketEvent); // *************************************************************************** // Setup: SPIFFS Webserver handler // *************************************************************************** //list directory server.on("/list", HTTP_GET, handleFileList); //create file server.on("/edit", HTTP_PUT, handleFileCreate); //delete file server.on("/edit", HTTP_DELETE, handleFileDelete); //first callback is called after the request has ended with all parsed arguments //second callback handles file uploads at that location server.on("/edit", HTTP_POST, []() { server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", ""); }, handleFileUpload); //get heap status, analog input value and all GPIO statuses in one json call server.on("/esp_status", HTTP_GET, []() { DynamicJsonDocument jsonBuffer(JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(21) + 1500); JsonObject json =<JsonObject>(); json["HOSTNAME"] = HOSTNAME; json["version"] = SKETCH_VERSION; json["heap"] = ESP.getFreeHeap(); json["sketch_size"] = ESP.getSketchSize(); json["free_sketch_space"] = ESP.getFreeSketchSpace(); json["flash_chip_size"] = ESP.getFlashChipSize(); json["flash_chip_real_size"] = ESP.getFlashChipRealSize(); json["flash_chip_speed"] = ESP.getFlashChipSpeed(); json["sdk_version"] = ESP.getSdkVersion(); json["core_version"] = ESP.getCoreVersion(); json["cpu_freq"] = ESP.getCpuFreqMHz(); json["chip_id"] = ESP.getFlashChipId(); #if defined(USE_WS2812FX_DMA) json["animation_lib"] = "WS2812FX_DMA"; json["pin"] = 3; #elif defined(USE_WS2812FX_UART1) json["animation_lib"] = "WS2812FX_UART1"; json["pin"] = 1; #elif defined(USE_WS2812FX_UART2) json["animation_lib"] = "WS2812FX_UART2"; json["pin"] = 2; #else json["animation_lib"] = "WS2812FX"; json["pin"] = LED_PIN; #endif json["number_leds"] = NUMLEDS; #ifdef ENABLE_BUTTON json["button_mode"] = "ON"; #else json["button_mode"] = "OFF"; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT json["amqtt"] = "ON"; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT json["mqtt"] = "ON"; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT json["home_assistant"] = "ON"; #else json["home_assistant"] = "OFF"; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS json["legacy_animations"] = "ON"; #else json["legacy_animations"] = "OFF"; #endif #ifdef HTTP_OTA json["esp8266_http_updateserver"] = "ON"; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OTA json["arduino_ota"] = "ON"; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS json["state_save"] = "SPIFFS"; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_EEPROM json["state_save"] = "EEPROM"; #endif String json_str; serializeJson(json, json_str); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", json_str); }); server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [&](){ #ifdef USE_HTML_MIN_GZ server.sendHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip", true); server.send_P(200, PSTR("text/html"), index_htm_gz, index_htm_gz_len); #else if (!handleFileRead(server.uri())) handleNotFound(); #endif }); server.on("/edit", HTTP_GET, [&](){ #ifdef USE_HTML_MIN_GZ server.sendHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip", true); server.send_P(200, PSTR("text/html"), edit_htm_gz, edit_htm_gz_len); #else if (!handleFileRead(server.uri())) handleNotFound(); #endif }); //called when the url is not defined here //use it to load content from SPIFFS server.onNotFound([]() { if (!handleFileRead(server.uri())) handleNotFound(); }); server.on("/upload", handleMinimalUpload); server.on("/restart", []() { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("/restart\n"); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", "restarting..." ); ESP.restart(); }); server.on("/reset_wlan", []() { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("/reset_wlan\n"); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", "Resetting WLAN and restarting..." ); WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.resetSettings(); ESP.restart(); }); server.on("/start_config_ap", []() { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("/start_config_ap\n"); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", "Starting config AP ..." ); WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.startConfigPortal(HOSTNAME); }); // *************************************************************************** // Setup: SPIFFS Webserver handler // *************************************************************************** server.on("/set_brightness", []() { getArgs(); mode = BRIGHTNESS; #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String(String("OK %") + String(brightness)).c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String(String("OK %") + String(brightness)).c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; if(! ha_send_data.once(5, tickerSendState); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif getStatusJSON(); }); server.on("/get_brightness", []() { String str_brightness = String((int) (brightness / 2.55)); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", str_brightness ); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("/get_brightness: "); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(str_brightness); }); server.on("/set_speed", []() { if (server.arg("d").toInt() >= 0) { ws2812fx_speed = server.arg("d").toInt(); ws2812fx_speed = constrain(ws2812fx_speed, 0, 255); strip->setSpeed(convertSpeed(ws2812fx_speed)); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String(String("OK ?") + String(ws2812fx_speed)).c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String(String("OK ?") + String(ws2812fx_speed)).c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT if(! ha_send_data.once(5, tickerSendState); #endif } getStatusJSON(); }); server.on("/get_speed", []() { String str_speed = String(ws2812fx_speed); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", str_speed ); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("/get_speed: "); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(str_speed); }); server.on("/get_switch", []() { server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", (mode == OFF) ? "0" : "1" ); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("/get_switch: %s\n", (mode == OFF) ? "0" : "1"); }); server.on("/get_color", []() { char rgbcolor[7]; snprintf(rgbcolor, sizeof(rgbcolor), "%02X%02X%02X",,,; server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", rgbcolor ); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("/get_color: "); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(rgbcolor); }); server.on("/status", []() { getStatusJSON(); }); server.on("/pixelconf", []() { /* // This will be used later when web-interface is ready and HTTP_GET will not be allowed to update the Strip Settings if(server.args() == 0 and server.method() != HTTP_POST) { server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "text/plain", "Only HTTP POST method is allowed and check the number of arguments!"); return; } */ bool updateStrip = false; if(server.hasArg("ct")){ uint16_t pixelCt = server.arg("ct").toInt(); if (pixelCt > 0) { WS2812FXStripSettings.stripSize = pixelCt; updateStrip = true; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("/pixels: Count# %d\n", pixelCt); } } if(server.hasArg("rgbo")){ String RGBOrder = server.arg("rgbo"); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("/pixels: RGB Order# "); if (RGBOrder == "grb") { WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder = NEO_GRB; updateStrip = true; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(RGBOrder); } else if (RGBOrder == "gbr") { WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder = NEO_GBR; updateStrip = true; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(RGBOrder); } else if (RGBOrder == "rgb") { WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder = NEO_RGB; updateStrip = true; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(RGBOrder); } else if (RGBOrder == "rbg") { WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder = NEO_RBG; updateStrip = true; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(RGBOrder); } else if (RGBOrder == "brg") { WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder = NEO_BRG; updateStrip = true; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(RGBOrder); } else if (RGBOrder == "bgr") { WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder = NEO_BGR; updateStrip = true; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(RGBOrder); } else { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("invalid input!"); } } if(server.hasArg("pin")){ uint8_t pin = server.arg("pin").toInt(); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("/pixels: GPIO used# "); #if defined(USE_WS2812FX_DMA) or defined(USE_WS2812FX_UART1) or defined(USE_WS2812FX_UART2) #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_DMA DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("3"); #endif #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_UART1 DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("2"); #endif #ifdef USE_WS2812FX_UART2 DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("1"); #endif #else if (pin == 16 or pin == 5 or pin == 4 or pin == 0 or pin == 2 or pin == 14 or pin == 12 or pin == 13 or pin == 15 or pin == 3 or pin == 1) { = pin; updateStrip = true; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(pin); } else { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("invalid input!"); } #endif } if(updateStrip) { ws2812fx_mode = strip->getMode(); if(strip->isRunning()) strip->stop(); initStrip(); strip->setMode(ws2812fx_mode); strip->trigger(); } DynamicJsonDocument jsonBuffer(200); JsonObject json =<JsonObject>(); json["pixel_count"] = WS2812FXStripSettings.stripSize; json["rgb_order"] = WS2812FXStripSettings.RGBOrder; json["pin"] =; String json_str; serializeJson(json, json_str); server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); server.send(200, "application/json", json_str); }); server.on("/off", []() { #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS exit_func = true; #endif mode = OFF; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =off").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =off").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = false; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); server.on("/all", []() { #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS exit_func = true; #endif ws2812fx_mode = FX_MODE_STATIC; mode = SET_MODE; //mode = ALL; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =all").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =all").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS server.on("/wipe", []() { exit_func = true; mode = WIPE; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =wipe").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =wipe").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); server.on("/rainbow", []() { exit_func = true; mode = RAINBOW; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =rainbow").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =rainbow").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); server.on("/rainbowCycle", []() { exit_func = true; mode = RAINBOWCYCLE; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =rainbowCycle").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =rainbowCycle").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); server.on("/theaterchase", []() { exit_func = true; mode = THEATERCHASE; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =theaterchase").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =theaterchase").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); server.on("/twinkleRandom", []() { exit_func = true; mode = TWINKLERANDOM; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =twinkleRandom").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =twinkleRandom").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); server.on("/theaterchaseRainbow", []() { exit_func = true; mode = THEATERCHASERAINBOW; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =theaterchaseRainbow").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =theaterchaseRainbow").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); #ifdef ENABLE_E131 server.on("/e131", []() { exit_func = true; if(strip->isRunning()) strip->stop(); mode = E131; getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =e131").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =131").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); #endif server.on("/tv", []() { exit_func = true; mode = TV; getArgs(); getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String("OK =tv").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String("OK =tv").c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); #endif server.on("/get_modes", []() { getModesJSON(); }); server.on("/set_mode", []() { getArgs(); mode = SET_MODE; getStatusJSON(); #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_outtopic, String(String("OK /") + String(ws2812fx_mode)).c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AMQTT amqttClient.publish(mqtt_outtopic, qospub, false, String(String("OK /") + String(ws2812fx_mode)).c_str()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT stateOn = true; if(! ha_send_data.once(5, tickerSendState); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if(! spiffs_save_state.once(3, tickerSpiffsSaveState); #endif }); #ifdef HTTP_OTA httpUpdater.setup(&server, "/update"); #endif server.begin(); // Start MDNS service if (mdns_result) { MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); } #ifdef ENABLE_E131 // Choose one to begin listening for E1.31 data // if (e131.begin(E131_UNICAST)) // Listen via Unicast if (e131.begin(E131_MULTICAST, START_UNIVERSE, END_UNIVERSE)) // Listen via Multicast Serial.println(F("E1.31 mode setup complete.")); else Serial.println(F("*** e131.begin failed ***")); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS (readStateFS()) ? DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(" Success!") : DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(" Failure!"); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_EEPROM // Load state string from EEPROM String saved_state_string = readEEPROM(256, 32); String chk = getValue(saved_state_string, '|', 0); if (chk == "STA") { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("Found saved state: %s\n", saved_state_string.c_str()); setModeByStateString(saved_state_string); } sprintf(last_state, "STA|%2d|%3d|%3d|%3d|%3d|%3d|%3d", mode, ws2812fx_mode, ws2812fx_speed, brightness,,,; #endif } void loop() { #ifdef ENABLE_BUTTON button(); #endif server.handleClient(); webSocket.loop(); #ifdef ENABLE_OTA ArduinoOTA.handle(); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MQTT if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT ha_send_data.detach(); #endif DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("WiFi disconnected, reconnecting!"); WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.setSleepMode(WIFI_NONE_SLEEP); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(); } else { if (mqtt_host != "" && String(mqtt_port).toInt() > 0 && mqtt_reconnect_retries < MQTT_MAX_RECONNECT_TRIES) { if (!mqtt_client.connected()) { #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT ha_send_data.detach(); #endif DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println("MQTT disconnected, reconnecting!"); mqtt_reconnect(); } else { mqtt_client.loop(); } } } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HOMEASSISTANT // if(! ha_send_data.once(5, tickerSendState); if (new_ha_mqtt_msg) sendState(); #endif // Simple statemachine that handles the different modes if (mode == SET_MODE) { DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("SET_MODE: %d %d\n", ws2812fx_mode, mode); if(strip) strip->setMode(ws2812fx_mode); if(strip) strip->trigger(); prevmode = SET_MODE; mode = SETCOLOR; } if (mode == OFF) { if(strip){ if(strip->isRunning()) strip->stop(); //should clear memory // mode = HOLD; } } if (mode == SETCOLOR) { if(strip) strip->setColor(,,; if(strip) strip->trigger(); mode = (prevmode == SET_MODE) ? SETSPEED : HOLD; } if (mode == SETSPEED) { if(strip) strip->setSpeed(convertSpeed(ws2812fx_speed)); if(strip) strip->trigger(); mode = (prevmode == SET_MODE) ? BRIGHTNESS : HOLD; } if (mode == BRIGHTNESS) { if(strip) strip->setBrightness(brightness); if(strip) strip->trigger(); if (prevmode == SET_MODE) prevmode = HOLD; mode = HOLD; } #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS if (mode == WIPE) { if(strip) strip->setColor(,,; if(strip) strip->setMode(FX_MODE_COLOR_WIPE); if(strip) strip->trigger(); mode = HOLD; } if (mode == RAINBOW) { if(strip) strip->setMode(FX_MODE_RAINBOW); if(strip) strip->trigger(); mode = HOLD; } if (mode == RAINBOWCYCLE) { if(strip) strip->setMode(FX_MODE_RAINBOW_CYCLE); if(strip) strip->trigger(); mode = HOLD; } if (mode == THEATERCHASE) { if(strip) strip->setColor(,,; if(strip) strip->setMode(FX_MODE_THEATER_CHASE); if(strip) strip->trigger(); mode = HOLD; } if (mode == TWINKLERANDOM) { if(strip) strip->setColor(,,; if(strip) strip->setMode(FX_MODE_TWINKLE_RANDOM); if(strip) strip->trigger(); mode = HOLD; } if (mode == THEATERCHASERAINBOW) { if(strip) strip->setMode(FX_MODE_THEATER_CHASE_RAINBOW); if(strip) strip->trigger(); mode = HOLD; } #ifdef ENABLE_E131 if (mode == E131) { handleE131(); } #endif #endif if (mode == HOLD || mode == CUSTOM) { if(strip) { if(!strip->isRunning()) strip->start(); } #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS if (exit_func) { exit_func = false; } #endif if (prevmode == SET_MODE) prevmode = HOLD; } #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS if (mode == TV) { if(strip) { if(!strip->isRunning()) strip->start(); } tv(); } #endif // Only for modes with WS2812FX functionality #ifdef ENABLE_LEGACY_ANIMATIONS if (mode != TV && mode != CUSTOM) { #else if (mode != CUSTOM) { #endif if(strip) strip->service(); } #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_SPIFFS if (updateStateFS) { (writeStateFS()) ? DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(" Success!") : DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(" Failure!"); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_STATE_SAVE_EEPROM // Check for state changes sprintf(current_state, "STA|%2d|%3d|%3d|%3d|%3d|%3d|%3d", mode, strip->getMode(), ws2812fx_speed, brightness,,,; if (strcmp(current_state, last_state) != 0) { // DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.printf("STATE CHANGED: %s / %s\n", last_state, current_state); strcpy(last_state, current_state); time_statechange = millis(); state_save_requested = true; } if (state_save_requested && time_statechange + timeout_statechange_save <= millis()) { time_statechange = 0; state_save_requested = false; writeEEPROM(256, 32, last_state); // 256 --> last_state (reserved 32 bytes) EEPROM.commit(); } #endif }
Pomożecie? Próbuję ograniczyć pobór napięcia przez serwo SG90 ( w momencie gdy jest w zadanej pozycji i niema potrzeby aby było zasilane) tranzystorem PNP bc560c 0.2A , układ w oparciu o wemos d1 mini zasilany 5v z akumulatora przez regulator napięcia niby poprawnie bez podanego sygnału na baze serwo ma napięcie około 0, 10V , po podaniu stanu niskiego z D1 mini na baze mam 4.97 V podane na serwo, jednak serwo SG90 nie rusza, bez tranzystora działa poprawnie