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STM32 ST-LINK Utility - Memory-Loader error


Pomocna odpowiedź


Mam pewien problem z programatorem ST-LINK w stm32f3_discovery. Gdy podłączyłem mikroprocesor i próbowałem wrzucić program - uzyskałem informacje o błędzie:

17:54:09 : Device ID:0x410

17:54:09 : Device flash Size : 128KBytes

17:54:09 : Device family :STM32F10x Medium-density

17:54:13 : Memory-Loader error

17:54:13 : Error occured during program operation!

17:54:23 : Memory-Loader error

17:54:23 : Error occured during program operation!

17:54:23 : Programming error @ 0x200008F4!

17:54:48 : Memory-Loader error

17:54:48 : Error occured during program operation!

17:55:29 : Disconnected from device.

17:55:29 : Connection to device is lost: check power supply and debug connection.

17:55:29 : If the target is in low power mode, please enable "Debug in Low Power mode" option from Target->settings menu.

Generalnie, nie wiem dokładnie o co chodzi. Nie wiem jak zadać pytanie, dlatego czekam na wasze pomocnicze.

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Masz napisane przecież:

17:55:29 : Connection to device is lost: check power supply and debug connection.

17:55:29 : If the target is in low power mode, please enable "Debug in Low Power mode" option from Target->settings menu.

Po za tym pokaż schemat połączenia.

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Problem nie jest związany ze schematem. Przedtem, wszystko działało poprawnie.

Jakoś przy programowaniu mikroprocesora coś poszło nie tak.. I teraz szukamy przyczyny, czy to jakaś blokada czy coś sprzętowo zepsuło.. Nie wiem.

[ Dodano: 28-03-2014, 08:29 ]

Podejrzewam że błąd lub zła konfiguracja leży po stronie ochrony pamięci. Wczoraj udało mi się połączyć z procesorem i pobrać jego program, a nawet go usunąć - jednak nie można go programować (błędy po wyżej);

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Podczas operacji erase sectors - Program wyrzuca mi następujące błędy:

16:46:38 : ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J19S0

16:46:38 : Connected via SWD.

16:46:38 : Connetion mode : Normal.

16:46:38 : Debug in sleep and stop mode enabled.

16:46:38 : Device ID:0x410

16:46:38 : Device flash Size : 128KBytes

16:46:38 : Device family :STM32F10x Medium-density

16:46:43 : Flash memory erased.

16:47:07 : Flash page 0 erased.

16:47:07 : Flash page 1 erased.

16:47:07 : Flash page 2 erased.

16:47:07 : Flash page 3 erased.

16:47:07 : Flash page 4 erased.

16:47:07 : Flash page 5 erased.

16:47:07 : Flash page @0x08001800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:07 : Flash page 7 erased.

16:47:07 : Flash page 8 erased.

16:47:08 : Flash page 9 erased.

16:47:08 : Flash page @0x08002800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:08 : Flash page 11 erased.

16:47:08 : Flash page 12 erased.

16:47:08 : Flash page 13 erased.

16:47:08 : Flash page @0x08003800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:08 : Flash page 15 erased.

16:47:08 : Flash page 16 erased.

16:47:08 : Flash page 17 erased.

16:47:08 : Flash page @0x08004800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:08 : Flash page 19 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page 20 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page 21 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page @0x08005800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:09 : Flash page 23 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page 24 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page 25 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page @0x08006800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:09 : Flash page 27 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page 28 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page 29 erased.

16:47:09 : Flash page @0x08007800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:10 : Flash page 31 erased.

16:47:10 : Flash page 32 erased.

16:47:10 : Flash page 33 erased.

16:47:10 : Flash page @0x08008800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:10 : Flash page 35 erased.

16:47:10 : Flash page 36 erased.

16:47:10 : Flash page 37 erased.

16:47:10 : Flash page @0x08009800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:10 : Flash page 39 erased.

16:47:10 : Flash page 40 erased.

16:47:11 : Flash page 41 erased.

16:47:11 : Flash page @0x0800A800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:11 : Flash page 43 erased.

16:47:11 : Flash page 44 erased.

16:47:11 : Flash page 45 erased.

16:47:11 : Flash page @0x0800B800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:11 : Flash page 47 erased.

16:47:11 : Flash page 48 erased.

16:47:11 : Flash page 49 erased.

16:47:11 : Flash page @0x0800C800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:11 : Flash page 51 erased.

16:47:12 : Flash page 52 erased.

16:47:12 : Flash page 53 erased.

16:47:12 : Flash page @0x0800D800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:12 : Flash page 55 erased.

16:47:12 : Flash page 56 erased.

16:47:12 : Flash page 57 erased.

16:47:12 : Flash page @0x0800E800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:12 : Flash page 59 erased.

16:47:12 : Flash page 60 erased.

16:47:12 : Flash page 61 erased.

16:47:13 : Flash page @0x0800F800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:13 : Flash page 63 erased.

16:47:13 : Flash page 64 erased.

16:47:13 : Flash page 65 erased.

16:47:13 : Flash page @0x08010800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:13 : Flash page 67 erased.

16:47:13 : Flash page 68 erased.

16:47:13 : Flash page 69 erased.

16:47:13 : Flash page @0x08011800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:13 : Flash page 71 erased.

16:47:13 : Flash page 72 erased.

16:47:14 : Flash page 73 erased.

16:47:14 : Flash page @0x08012800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:14 : Flash page 75 erased.

16:47:14 : Flash page 76 erased.

16:47:14 : Flash page 77 erased.

16:47:14 : Flash page @0x08013800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:14 : Flash page 79 erased.

16:47:14 : Flash page 80 erased.

16:47:14 : Flash page 81 erased.

16:47:14 : Flash page @0x08014800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:15 : Flash page 83 erased.

16:47:15 : Flash page 84 erased.

16:47:15 : Flash page 85 erased.

16:47:15 : Flash page @0x08015800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:15 : Flash page 87 erased.

16:47:15 : Flash page 88 erased.

16:47:15 : Flash page 89 erased.

16:47:15 : Flash page @0x08016800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:15 : Flash page 91 erased.

16:47:15 : Flash page 92 erased.

16:47:16 : Flash page 93 erased.

16:47:16 : Flash page @0x08017800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:16 : Flash page 95 erased.

16:47:16 : Flash page 96 erased.

16:47:16 : Flash page 97 erased.

16:47:16 : Flash page @0x08018800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:16 : Flash page 99 erased.

16:47:16 : Flash page 100 erased.

16:47:16 : Flash page 101 erased.

16:47:16 : Flash page @0x08019800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:16 : Flash page 103 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page 104 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page 105 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page @0x0801A800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:17 : Flash page 107 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page 108 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page 109 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page @0x0801B800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:17 : Flash page 111 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page 112 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page 113 erased.

16:47:17 : Flash page @0x0801C800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:18 : Flash page 115 erased.

16:47:18 : Flash page 116 erased.

16:47:18 : Flash page 117 erased.

16:47:18 : Flash page @0x0801D800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:18 : Flash page 119 erased.

16:47:18 : Flash page 120 erased.

16:47:18 : Flash page 121 erased.

16:47:18 : Flash page @0x0801E800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:18 : Flash page 123 erased.

16:47:18 : Flash page 124 erased.

16:47:19 : Flash page 125 erased.

16:47:19 : Flash page @0x0801F800 is not erased. Verify the memory protection.

16:47:19 : Flash page 127 erased.

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Zastanawiam się dlaczego Twoja płytka z procesorem stm32f3 (tak napisałeś w pierwszym poście) odpowiada kodem DeviceID=0x410, który zarezerwowany jest dla stm32f1_medium_density. STM32F3 powinien raczej odpowiedzieć DeviceID=0x422.

ST-link dla procesora F1 ustawia parametry:

.chip_id = 0x410,
.description = "F1 Medium-density device",
.flash_size_reg = 0x1ffff7e0,
.flash_pagesize = 0x400,
.sram_size = 0x5000,
.bootrom_base = 0x1ffff000,
.bootrom_size = 0x800

a dla procesora F3

.chip_id = 0x422,
.description = "F3 device",
.flash_size_reg = 0x1ffff7cc,
.flash_pagesize = 0x800,
.sram_size = 0xa000,
.bootrom_base = 0x1ffff000,
.bootrom_size = 0x800

Trochę się to różni. Potwierdź, czy na pewno chcesz zaprogramować STM32F3?

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