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RPLidar A2M12 >> probelm z uruchomieniem


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Czy ktoś z kolegów uruchomił RPLidar nową wersję A2 pod esp32 ?
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       RPLidar on ESP32
    //#include <HardwareSerial.h>
    //HardwareSerial LiSerial(1);
    #include "esp32-hal-ledc.h"
    // This sketch code is based on the RPLIDAR driver library provided by RoboPeak
    #include <RPLidar.h>
    // You need to create an driver instance
    RPLidar lidar;
    #define RPLIDAR_MOTOR 32 // The PWM pin for control the speed of RPLIDAR's motor.
    // setting PWM properties
    const int freq = 10000;
    const int ledChannel = 4;
    const int resolution = 8;
    void setup() {
     //LiSerial.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1,2,15);// RX, TX
      // bind the RPLIDAR driver to the ESP32 hardware serial2
      // configure LED PWM functionalitites
      ledcSetup(ledChannel, freq, resolution);
      // attach the channel to the GPIO to be controlled
      ledcAttachPin(RPLIDAR_MOTOR, ledChannel);
      // set pin modes
    void loop() {
        if (IS_OK(lidar.waitPoint())) {
          float distance = lidar.getCurrentPoint().distance; //distance value in mm unit
          float angle    = lidar.getCurrentPoint().angle; //anglue value in degree
          bool  startBit = lidar.getCurrentPoint().startBit; //whether this point is belong to a new scan
          byte  quality  = lidar.getCurrentPoint().quality; //quality of the current measurement
          //perform data processing here...
          Serial.println("Lidar Get info...");
        } else {
          ledcWrite(RPLIDAR_MOTOR, 0);
          // try to detect RPLIDAR...
          rplidar_response_device_info_t info;
          if (IS_OK(lidar.getDeviceInfo(info, 100))) {
             // detected...
             Serial.println("Lidar Detected...");
             // start motor rotating at max allowed speed
             ledcWrite(RPLIDAR_MOTOR, 255);


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