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5 godzin temu, Treker napisał:

@Mantoehutsyzp czy problem dotyczy tylko logowania przez interfejs graficzny? Czy te same dane pozwalają na zalogowanie się do RPi za pomocą SSH?

Tylko przez interfejs graficzny przez PuTTy działa

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@Mantoehutsyzp taki problem może powstawać, gdy na karcie pamięci jest zbyt mało miejsca. Czy jest to czysta instalacja systemu, czy to jakaś "stara" malinka, której karta może być już zapchana?

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33 minuty temu, Mantoehutsyzp napisał:

powinno się chyba

Na temat chybania to się nie wypowiem, ale do sprawdzania miejsca na karcie służy polecenie df, np:

df -h

pokaże wszystko w "ludzkich" jednostkach.

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Dołącze sie do pytania. Dzisiaj przyszla mi malina pi zero W. Próbuje połączyć się przez VNC zeby miec interfejs graficzny i za grzyba nic. Odczytałem IP scannerem i za pomocą raspi-config włączyłem VNC i ciągle wywala mi błędem "Timed ot waiting for a response from the computer".  Przez putty łącze się bez problemu.

Dodam że mam pi zero 2W i tam bez problemu wszystko poszło jak jakiś czas temu robiłem.

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Reinstalacja raczej nie pomoże bo będziesz miał to samo co miałeś wcześniej. Niestety, nie mam ani jednej malinki z interfejsem graficznym... ale sprawdź pliki w /etc/lightdm - może tam się coś namieszało?


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Dnia 1.06.2023 o 09:58, ethanak napisał:

Reinstalacja raczej nie pomoże bo będziesz miał to samo co miałeś wcześniej. Niestety, nie mam ani jednej malinki z interfejsem graficznym... ale sprawdź pliki w /etc/lightdm - może tam się coś namieszało?


Plik keys.conf:


Plik lightdm.conf:

# General configuration
# start-default-seat = True to always start one seat if none are defined in the configuration
# greeter-user = User to run greeter as
# minimum-display-number = Minimum display number to use for X servers
# minimum-vt = First VT to run displays on
# lock-memory = True to prevent memory from being paged to disk
# user-authority-in-system-dir = True if session authority should be in the system location
# guest-account-script = Script to be run to setup guest account
# logind-check-graphical = True to on start seats that are marked as graphical by logind
# log-directory = Directory to log information to
# run-directory = Directory to put running state in
# cache-directory = Directory to cache to
# sessions-directory = Directory to find sessions
# remote-sessions-directory = Directory to find remote sessions
# greeters-directory = Directory to find greeters
# backup-logs = True to move add a .old suffix to old log files when opening new ones
# dbus-service = True if LightDM provides a D-Bus service to control it

# Seat configuration
# Seat configuration is matched against the seat name glob in the section, for example:
# [Seat:*] matches all seats and is applied first.
# [Seat:seat0] matches the seat named "seat0".
# [Seat:seat-thin-client*] matches all seats that have names that start with "seat-thin-client".
# type = Seat type (local, xremote, unity)
# pam-service = PAM service to use for login
# pam-autologin-service = PAM service to use for autologin
# pam-greeter-service = PAM service to use for greeters
# xserver-backend = X backend to use (mir)
# xserver-command = X server command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. X -special-option)
# xmir-command = Xmir server command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. Xmir -special-option)
# xserver-config = Config file to pass to X server
# xserver-layout = Layout to pass to X server
# xserver-allow-tcp = True if TCP/IP connections are allowed to this X server
# xserver-share = True if the X server is shared for both greeter and session
# xserver-hostname = Hostname of X server (only for type=xremote)
# xserver-display-number = Display number of X server (only for type=xremote)
# xdmcp-manager = XDMCP manager to connect to (implies xserver-allow-tcp=true)
# xdmcp-port = XDMCP UDP/IP port to communicate on
# xdmcp-key = Authentication key to use for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 (stored in keys.conf)
 # unity-compositor-command = Unity compositor command to run (can also contain arguments e.g. unity-system-compositor -special-option)
# unity-compositor-timeout = Number of seconds to wait for compositor to start
# greeter-session = Session to load for greeter
# greeter-hide-users = True to hide the user list
# greeter-allow-guest = True if the greeter should show a guest login option
# greeter-show-manual-login = True if the greeter should offer a manual login option
# greeter-show-remote-login = True if the greeter should offer a remote login option
# user-session = Session to load for users
# allow-user-switching = True if allowed to switch users
# allow-guest = True if guest login is allowed
# guest-session = Session to load for guests (overrides user-session)
# session-wrapper = Wrapper script to run session with
# greeter-wrapper = Wrapper script to run greeter with
# guest-wrapper = Wrapper script to run guest sessions with
# display-setup-script = Script to run when starting a greeter session (runs as root)
# display-stopped-script = Script to run after stopping the display server (runs as root)
# greeter-setup-script = Script to run when starting a greeter (runs as root)
# session-setup-script = Script to run when starting a user session (runs as root)
# session-cleanup-script = Script to run when quitting a user session (runs as root)
# autologin-guest = True to log in as guest by default
# autologin-user = User to log in with by default (overrides autologin-guest)
# autologin-user-timeout = Number of seconds to wait before loading default user
# autologin-session = Session to load for automatic login (overrides user-session)
# autologin-in-background = True if autologin session should not be immediately activated
# exit-on-failure = True if the daemon should exit if this seat fails

# XDMCP Server configuration
# enabled = True if XDMCP connections should be allowed
# port = UDP/IP port to listen for connections on
# listen-address = Host/address to listen for XDMCP connections (use all addresses if not present)
# key = Authentication key to use for XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 or blank to not use authentication (stored in keys.>
# hostname = Hostname to report to XDMCP clients (defaults to system hostname if unset)
# The authentication key is a 56 bit DES key specified in hex as 0xnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.  Alternatively
# it can be a word and the first 7 characters are used as the key.

# VNC Server configuration
# enabled = True if VNC connections should be allowed
# command = Command to run Xvnc server with
# port = TCP/IP port to listen for connections on
# listen-address = Host/address to listen for VNC connections (use all addresses if not present)
# width = Width of display to use
# height = Height of display to use
# depth = Color depth of display to use


# LightDM GTK+ Configuration
# Available configuration options listed below.
# Appearance:
#  theme-name = GTK+ theme to use
#  icon-theme-name = Icon theme to use
#  cursor-theme-name = Cursor theme to use
#  cursor-theme-size = Cursor size to use
#  background = Background file to use, either an image path or a color (e.g. #772953)
#  user-background = false|true ("true" by default)  Display user background (if available)
#  transition-duration = Length of time (in milliseconds) to transition between background images ("500" by default)
#  transition-type = ease-in-out|linear|none  ("ease-in-out" by default)
# Fonts:
#  font-name = Font to use
#  xft-antialias = false|true  Whether to antialias Xft fonts
#  xft-dpi = Resolution for Xft in dots per inch (e.g. 96)
#  xft-hintstyle = none|slight|medium|hintfull  What degree of hinting to use
#  xft-rgba = none|rgb|bgr|vrgb|vbgr  Type of subpixel antialiasing
# Login window:
#  active-monitor = Monitor to display greeter window (name or number). Use #cursor value to display greeter at monitor with cursor. Can be a semicolon separated list
#  position = x y ("50% 50%" by default)  Login window position
#  default-user-image = Image used as default user icon, path or #icon-name
#  hide-user-image = false|true ("false" by default)
# Panel:
#  panel-position = top|bottom ("top" by default)
#  clock-format = strftime-format string, e.g. %H:%M
#  indicators = semi-colon ";" separated list of allowed indicator modules. Built-in indicators include "~a11y", "~language", "~session", "~power", "~clock", "~host", "~spacer". Unity indicators can be represented by short >
# Accessibility:
#  a11y-states = states of accessibility features: "name" - save state on exit, "-name" - disabled at start (default value for unlisted), "+name" - enabled at start. Allowed names: contrast, font, keyboard, reader.
#  keyboard = command to launch on-screen keyboard (e.g. "onboard")
#  keyboard-position = x y[;width height] ("50%,center -0;50% 25%" by default)  Works only for "onboard"
#  reader = command to launch screen reader (e.g. "orca")
#  at-spi-enabled = false|true ("true" by default) Enables accessibility at-spi-command if the greeter is built with it enabled
# Security:
#  allow-debugging = false|true ("false" by default)
#  screensaver-timeout = Timeout (in seconds) until the screen blanks when the greeter is called as lockscreen
# Template for per-monitor configuration:
#  [monitor: name]
#  background = overrides default value
#  user-background = overrides default value
#  laptop = false|true ("false" by default) Marks monitor as laptop display
#  transition-duration = overrides default value

plik pi-greeter.conf

gtk-font-name=PibotoLt 12

plik users.conf

# User accounts configuration
# NOTE: If you have AccountsService installed on your system, then LightDM will
# use this instead and these settings will be ignored
# minimum-uid = Minimum UID required to be shown in greeter
# hidden-users = Users that are not shown to the user
# hidden-shells = Shells that indicate a user cannot login
hidden-users=nobody nobody4 noaccess
hidden-shells=/bin/false /usr/sbin/nologin /sbin/nologin


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