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Wybaczcie, bo czuję, że zadaję jakieś absurdalne pytanie na które jest prosta odpowiedź. Znajome dzieciaki będą ze szkoły jechać na zawody robotów sumo na polibudzie warszawskiej, to będzie ich pierwszy raz i nie doczytali, że do startowania robota potrzebny jest moduł startujący. Czy podłączenie jego jest jakoś skomplikowane i potrzeba będzie jakiś dużych zmian w kodzie? Części dostali dopiero co i nie było zbytnio dużo czasu na napisanie kodu, więc korzystają z gotowca. Robot to Zumo 32u4.

/* This example shows how you might use the Zumo 32U4 in a robot
sumo competition.

It uses the line sensors to detect the white border of the sumo
ring so it can avoid driving out of the ring (similar to the
BorderDetect example).  It also uses the Zumo 32U4's proximity
sensors to scan for nearby opponents and drive towards them.

For this code to work, jumpers on the front sensor array
must be installed in order to connect pin 4 to RGT and connect
pin 20 to LFT.

This code was tested on a Zumo 32U4 with 75:1 HP micro metal
gearmotors. */

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Zumo32U4.h>

Zumo32U4LCD lcd;
Zumo32U4ButtonA buttonA;
Zumo32U4Buzzer buzzer;
Zumo32U4Motors motors;
Zumo32U4LineSensors lineSensors;
Zumo32U4ProximitySensors proxSensors;

unsigned int lineSensorValues[3];

// When the reading on a line sensor goes below this value, we
// consider that line sensor to have detected the white border at
// the edge of the ring.  This value might need to be tuned for
// different lighting conditions, surfaces, etc.
const uint16_t lineSensorThreshold = 1000;

// The speed that the robot uses when backing up.
const uint16_t reverseSpeed = 200;

// The speed that the robot uses when turning.
const uint16_t turnSpeed = 200;

// The speed that the robot usually uses when moving forward.
// You don't want this to be too fast because then the robot
// might fail to stop when it detects the white border.
const uint16_t forwardSpeed = 200;

// These two variables specify the speeds to apply to the motors
// when veering left or veering right.  While the robot is
// driving forward, it uses its proximity sensors to scan for
// objects ahead of it and tries to veer towards them.
const uint16_t veerSpeedLow = 0;
const uint16_t veerSpeedHigh = 250;

// The speed that the robot drives when it detects an opponent in
// front of it, either with the proximity sensors or by noticing
// that it is caught in a stalemate (driving forward for several
// seconds without reaching a border).  400 is full speed.
const uint16_t rammingSpeed = 400;

// The amount of time to spend backing up after detecting a
// border, in milliseconds.
const uint16_t reverseTime = 200;

// The minimum amount of time to spend scanning for nearby
// opponents, in milliseconds.
const uint16_t scanTimeMin = 200;

// The maximum amount of time to spend scanning for nearby
// opponents, in milliseconds.
const uint16_t scanTimeMax = 2100;

// The amount of time to wait between detecting a button press
// and actually starting to move, in milliseconds.  Typical robot
// sumo rules require 5 seconds of waiting.
const uint16_t waitTime = 5000;

// If the robot has been driving forward for this amount of time,
// in milliseconds, without reaching a border, the robot decides
// that it must be pushing on another robot and this is a
// stalemate, so it increases its motor speed.
const uint16_t stalemateTime = 4000;

// This enum lists the top-level states that the robot can be in.
enum State

State state = StatePausing;

enum Direction

// scanDir is the direction the robot should turn the next time
// it scans for an opponent.
Direction scanDir = DirectionLeft;

// The time, in milliseconds, that we entered the current top-level state.
uint16_t stateStartTime;

// The time, in milliseconds, that the LCD was last updated.
uint16_t displayTime;

// This gets set to true whenever we change to a new state.
// A state can read and write this variable this in order to
// perform actions just once at the beginning of the state.
bool justChangedState;

// This gets set whenever we clear the display.
bool displayCleared;

void setup()
 // Uncomment if necessary to correct motor directions:



void loop()
 bool buttonPress = buttonA.getSingleDebouncedPress();

 if (state == StatePausing)
   // In this state, we just wait for the user to press button
   // A, while displaying the battery voltage every 100 ms.

   motors.setSpeeds(0, 0);

   if (justChangedState)
     justChangedState = false;
     lcd.print(F("Press A"));

   if (displayIsStale(100))
     lcd.gotoXY(0, 1);

   if (buttonPress)
     // The user pressed button A, so go to the waiting state.
 else if (buttonPress)
   // The user pressed button A while the robot was running, so pause.
 else if (state == StateWaiting)
   // In this state, we wait for a while and then move on to the
   // scanning state.

   motors.setSpeeds(0, 0);

   uint16_t time = timeInThisState();

   if (time < waitTime)
     // Display the remaining time we have to wait.
     uint16_t timeLeft = waitTime - time;
     lcd.gotoXY(0, 0);
     lcd.print(timeLeft / 1000 % 10);
     lcd.print(timeLeft / 100 % 10);
     // We have waited long enough.  Start moving.
 else if (state == StateBacking)
   // In this state, the robot drives in reverse.

   if (justChangedState)
     justChangedState = false;

   motors.setSpeeds(-reverseSpeed, -reverseSpeed);

   // After backing up for a specific amount of time, start
   // scanning.
   if (timeInThisState() >= reverseTime)
 else if (state == StateScanning)
   // In this state the robot rotates in place and tries to find
   // its opponent.

   if (justChangedState)
     justChangedState = false;

   if (scanDir == DirectionRight)
     motors.setSpeeds(turnSpeed, -turnSpeed);
     motors.setSpeeds(-turnSpeed, turnSpeed);

   uint16_t time = timeInThisState();

   if (time > scanTimeMax)
     // We have not seen anything for a while, so start driving.
   else if (time > scanTimeMin)
     // Read the proximity sensors.  If we detect anything with
     // the front sensor, then start driving forwards.;
     if (proxSensors.countsFrontWithLeftLeds() >= 2
       || proxSensors.countsFrontWithRightLeds() >= 2)
 else if (state == StateDriving)
   // In this state we drive forward while also looking for the
   // opponent using the proximity sensors and checking for the
   // white border.

   if (justChangedState)
     justChangedState = false;

   // Check for borders.;
   if (lineSensorValues[0] < lineSensorThreshold)
     scanDir = DirectionRight;
   if (lineSensorValues[2] < lineSensorThreshold)
     scanDir = DirectionLeft;

   // Read the proximity sensors to see if know where the
   // opponent is.;
   uint8_t sum = proxSensors.countsFrontWithRightLeds() + proxSensors.countsFrontWithLeftLeds();
   int8_t diff = proxSensors.countsFrontWithRightLeds() - proxSensors.countsFrontWithLeftLeds();

   if (sum >= 4 || timeInThisState() > stalemateTime)
     // The front sensor is getting a strong signal, or we have
     // been driving forward for a while now without seeing the
     // border.  Either way, there is probably a robot in front
     // of us and we should switch to ramming speed to try to
     // push the robot out of the ring.
     motors.setSpeeds(rammingSpeed, rammingSpeed);

     // Turn on the red LED when ramming.
   else if (sum == 0)
     // We don't see anything with the front sensor, so just
     // keep driving forward.  Also monitor the side sensors; if
     // they see an object then we want to go to the scanning
     // state and turn torwards that object.

     motors.setSpeeds(forwardSpeed, forwardSpeed);

     if (proxSensors.countsLeftWithLeftLeds() >= 2)
       // Detected something to the left.
       scanDir = DirectionLeft;

     if (proxSensors.countsRightWithRightLeds() >= 2)
       // Detected something to the right.
       scanDir = DirectionRight;

     // We see something with the front sensor but it is not a
     // strong reading.

     if (diff >= 1)
       // The right-side reading is stronger, so veer to the right.
       motors.setSpeeds(veerSpeedHigh, veerSpeedLow);
     else if (diff <= -1)
       // The left-side reading is stronger, so veer to the left.
       motors.setSpeeds(veerSpeedLow, veerSpeedHigh);
       // Both readings are equal, so just drive forward.
       motors.setSpeeds(forwardSpeed, forwardSpeed);

// Gets the amount of time we have been in this state, in
// milliseconds.  After 65535 milliseconds (65 seconds), this
// overflows to 0.
uint16_t timeInThisState()
 return (uint16_t)(millis() - stateStartTime);

// Changes to a new state.  It also clears the LCD and turns off
// the LEDs so that the things the previous state were doing do
// not affect the feedback the user sees in the new state.
void changeState(uint8_t newState)
 state = (State)newState;
 justChangedState = true;
 stateStartTime = millis();
 displayCleared = true;

// Returns true if the display has been cleared or the contents
// on it have not been updated in a while.  The time limit used
// to decide if the contents are staled is specified in
// milliseconds by the staleTime parameter.
bool displayIsStale(uint16_t staleTime)
 return displayCleared || (millis() - displayTime) > staleTime;

// Any part of the code that uses displayIsStale to decide when
// to update the LCD should call this function when it updates the
// LCD.
void displayUpdated()
 displayTime = millis();
 displayCleared = false;
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Tak na szybko to na początku loop() masz

if (state == StatePausing)
   // In this state, we just wait for the user to press button
   // A, while displaying the battery voltage every 100 ms.

   motors.setSpeeds(0, 0);

   if (justChangedState)
     justChangedState = false;
     lcd.print(F("Press A"));

   if (displayIsStale(100))
     lcd.gotoXY(0, 1);

   if (buttonPress)
     // The user pressed button A, so go to the waiting state.

w ostatnim if-ie można dodać warunek na sprawdzanie, czy wejście podpięte do modułu startowego jest w odpowiednim stanie. Jeżeli na wyjściu modułu jest stan wysoki, gdy robot ma wystartować, to można zrobić to po prostu przez

    if (buttonPress || digitalRead(START_MODULE_PIN) == HIGH)
     // The user pressed button A, so go to the waiting state.

Sprawdźcie też, jaki jest czas oczekiwania po otrzymaniu sygnału startu (stała 'waitTime' w programie).

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